Sunday, November 29, 2020

Chuffed Up

Its been the usual crazy, hectic and busy the last few weeks. I've sat down several times to write a post, but the words didn't come as fast as the distractions have. In looking at my posts, I have 3 that are in "draft." This one will make it 4 if I don't finish and publish it.

Like so many, we had a nice and quiet Thanksgiving. I decided this year to not pick up a prepared dinner from our favorite grocery store (Wegmans) as I have the last 3 years, but instead to do it all myself. Except for the pies. The daughter of a friend of mine, made and sold homemade pies to earn some extra money. The apple pies were beautiful and taste as good as they look. I'm glad I bought two. It was for a good cause after all. 😊

Whatever is going on inside, doesn't keep Todd from being on patrol outside. We have woods along the back edge of our fenced yard and we see deer in there all the time - and of course Todd has to bark at every. single. deer he sees. 

The deer seem to know that he's all bark and can't bite, and they have learned to accept him because they go on living their lives as normal. At least that's how it typically is.

Cue the arrival of a big and handsome buck. (photo below) The other day this buck stumbled out of the woods right after another deer and right in front of a barking Todd. He must've thought Todd was after his girlfriend because he reared up once and then charged at Todd, hitting the fence. I saw it all from the back porch and went as fast as my gimpy knee would allow to chase the deer away. But not before he charged the fence at a very worked up Todd a second time. By the time I got to Todd, the buck ran off - along with his girlfriend who was watching close by. 

Now experts say that dogs don't feel pride because it's a human emotion and dogs have an emotional  repertoire of a 3 year old. I have to disagree with that. Because in that moment when Todd turned and came to me, I saw nothing but a confident, chuffed-up, and very proud Scottish Terrier - And I can't be sure, but I think he was walking on air, because he seemed about 2 inches taller as we walked back to the house.

He's a good Scottie. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Charlie's Journey Continues

We had the perfect fall weather for this past week. Blue skies, and warm temperatures. The photo below was taken last Sunday, and by this Sunday, most of the leaves are now on the ground. 

The dogs have had a pretty good week. There were a couple of days where Sugar wasn't feeling well. I think it was just a bad restaurant review - she eats everything and pretty much anything. Thankfully by the end of the 2nd day, her appetite had fully returned. Sugar is really a nice dog, and she's now available for adoption via Lab Rescue. I've had no inquiries on her, and I think it's because her age is said to be 15 years old. I truly believe that's wrong, and she's more like 11 or 12, but not 15. I know what 15 years old looks like, and she's not it.  

Speaking of 15 year old's. That brings me to Charlie. 
In a previous post I'd mentioned for the first time, I wasn't going to take Charlie to be groomed. He's really been showing his age the last few months, and I just thought it was too much for him. So, after talking it over with our groomer Irina, she told me to bring him when I returned to pick up Max and Todd, and she'd trim him up for me. And so I did and she quickly trimmed up Charlie as she sat in her driveway. 

I appreciated Irina doing that for Charlie, and me too. You might recall that Irina was the one that originally found the lump on Charlie's bottom (anal-gland-carcinoma) more than 2 years ago. At the time it was removed, we were told it would probably return. We beat those odds, because the vets gave us a timeline of 6 months to a year before it would be back. Unfortunately, when Irina was trimming up Charlie, she found that the lump on his bottom has returned. I'd seen it, but will admit to hoping that I wasn't seeing what I thought I was. 😞
I discussed it all with our Holistic Vet, and we're not going to change anything we're doing for him. Charlie is feeling pretty well, he has a good appetite on most days, and is up and around. I feel like we're in a good place as our journey, this wonderful journey we have together, continues. 💓

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Blue Skies Smiling at Me

Another week where I've gotten **nothing** much done at home. I am sure that I've mentioned before that I am a political and news junkie -- And back in July, even though I have no paid vacation left, I decided to take the day after the election off work so I could stay up way too late and watch the returns and the day after news reports. And that was exactly what I did. Even after I'd gone to bed on Tuesday night, I woke up a few times to get the updates. There was no shortage of them, that's for sure. I was glued to the TV all day Wednesday. 

Then on Thursday as I ran the boys to Irina to be groomed, (40 minutes away) and I ran a few errands, I listened on satellite radio.
~The flag in our town center on Thursday~

As always, our groomer Irina, did a great job on Max and Todd. You may recall that last time Todd was groomed,  he jumped off the table, and when Irina caught him, he bit her forearm. This time Irina said more than once how cooperative and good Todd was. **I'll mention here that I gave him .5 mgs of melatonin before we left home. I guess it worked.... 

~Todd says, "you did what?" 

By Friday, I was feeling a bit saturated by all the news and turned off the TV and did a few things around the house. I even took some time to enjoy what was a perfect and blue-sky-day outside . 

It's now Saturday and even though the votes are still being counted, I'm so glad we at least know what the majority of the ballot results are. We are worn out! 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Good-Bye October!

Are you feeling a fall chill in the air? We certainly are! 

It just seems like all of the sudden the leaves have changed and are falling. And can I just tell you how happy I am to have October in the rearview mirror?  In so many ways, it was a long, difficult and emotional month. But as November starts, I am feeling so much better and I have some of my energy back. I've just finished my 3rd or 4th round of antibiotics, I've lost track, but I guess they worked. I only missed one day of work last week so that says something too. Knock, knock, knock on wood, just in case. 😊

Today I was home by myself, for the first time in a long time. Being home alone, there just seemed to be so many possibilities of things to do. 

I did do some baking - pumpkin bread. 

After cleaning up the kitchen because no one was here to do it for me, I got an early start on fixing dinner. I was feeling a bit chilled, time to turn on the heat or close that window and so I warmed up in bed and did some reading which ended with a nap. What a lazy day!

Aside from being lazy, all the dogs seem to be pretty well. 

~George waiting for breakfast~

New girl Sugar has settled in really nicely. She's really a lovely dog and gets along really well with our crew. Now that she's learned to leave the cats alone, we've been able to give her more freedom in the house. But we still keep an eye on her because she is a counter-surfer and is a bit of an escape artist too.  Sugar did return to the vet for a follow-up to recheck her ears and skin, and she got an "all clear." With that, she is now available for adoption. 

~Sugar on her way home after getting the all clear at the vet~

Our other foster for Lab Rescue, Buddy will also be available for adoption in the coming days too. We've completed 5 sessions of acupuncture and the rescue feels, as do I, that he's ready to make the next steps forward to a new forever home. He's a nice boy, and despite not being able to get around that well, I'm hopeful that someone will fall in love with this charming boy and want to make him part of their lives. 

~Buddy having acupuncture on our front porch in September~

And speaking of adoptions, Leo is still doing really well. Annie could not be happier and I don't think Leo could be either. 

~Leo at home!~

It's a busy week ahead for us. Past due grooming appointments for both Max and Todd. 

This will be the first time that Charlie will not be going with them. But I think a day at "the spa," even though "Irina" takes her time with them, it'll all just be too much for Charlie. The photo below came up on my "memories page" on Facebook and is from October, 2010. It's a fun Halloween memory with missed faces! 

~October 2010, Charlie, with Sammy in the middle, Hamlet and a corner peak of Rudi~

 I hope you had a good Halloween and are doing well! I've missed you and reading your blogs!

~Our driveway on Tuesday~

  Now that I'm finally feeling better and have more energy, I look forward! to catching up on your news!