Monday, June 18, 2012

The Battle Ends for Sam

Today dawned cool, gray and damp.  As a gentle rain fell this morning, I knelt next to Sam as he lay in the grass.  He'd been there for several minutes and was starting to become soaking wet.  My attempts to get him to come inside were met with resistance from him, but eventually he did what he was asked.  I wasn't sure what exactly was happening or what had changed because outwardly at least to me, nothing had.  But known only to Sam, something was different, because it was obvious the pain and his battle with cancer had become too much for him.

Holding Sam's face in my hands I looked at him and pleaded and promised I would do whatever it took to help him, if we could just have more time together.  But another world was calling to Sam and I knew it was time to let him go--Sam had done what he always did--He chose what he wanted to do.

There is so much I want the world to know about Sam.  Things that I don't want to be forgotten.  But tonight, I am flooded with emotions and as hard as I have tried, the words just won't come.  I can only give thanks for nearly 3 years full of memories with one of the most well adjusted, confident, self assured and independent Goldens I've ever known.

Tonight our candle is lit to help Sam find his way to the Rainbow Bridge.  Along with being met by our pups, I am finding comfort in Sam also being reunited with his very first owner whose life sadly ended much too soon.  And as he and Sam cross the Rainbow Bridge together, I hope that Sam won't forget what he meant to us, and how much we are going to miss him.

God speed 'my handsome Sam.'  You fought a good fight.  


  1. oh, kim. i know you tried everything you could for him. sweet sam...

  2. Oh Kim, I am so sad for you and for Sam. You were the one who taught me about the Rainbow Bridge and it is a wonderful image that helps give me comfort when I think of my lost ones, and now when I think of Sam. You have such a big heart, to hold all that love and joy and sorrow all at the same time. Big hugs to you - we will be thinking of you and Sam tonight.

  3. Oh I am so sorry to hear about Sam. My heart is breaking for you. Thank goodness Sam had you these last few years until he could be eternally reunited with his first owner! Be assured that Sam felt all your love and is now a sweet angel watching over you. R.I.P. Sam.

  4. Tsar has been waiting for Sam and I know the two of them will be best friends forever.

  5. I write to you with tears falling down my cheeks. I am so sorry for the loss of Sam. I was hoping when I got a notice from your blog that I would read good news about Sam. I was just hugging my Roscoe while reading this post. I am sure Sam is with all the other pups and his previous owner. He will be missed. R.I. P. Sam.

  6. We are always sad when on of our own leaves us, but happy to know we will see them again later at the Rainbow Bridge, waiting for all us. See you Sam!

    Susie & Sidebite

  7. Oh I am so very sad that he left. What a sweet spirit and loving companion. I have tears for all the animals that we have all had to say goodbye to. There are just not enough words to express the love we share with them. Rest in peace, Sam. Be young and happy and enjoy your time with your friends who have gone before.

  8. He will always remember YOU LISTENED to what he couldn't say with words...

    We will light our candle for Sam's safe journey

    He will get to see the golden glow as the Summer Solstice takes hold!

    Khyra and Phyll

  9. Rest in peace sweet boy. May you be pain free

    Stop on by for a visit

  10. Dear beautiful heart has another hole in it....I am so so sorry for your pain....I am so glad you have shared this sweet doggy with us......thank you...they teach us so much .....bless you for all you do....

  11. I am so sorry to hear about Sam. You gave him a good happy life ~ God speed. xoxoxo

  12. You have a very special kind of strength to give so much to your goldens. Sweet Sam.

  13. So Long, Sweet Sam, a beautiful boy full of love. Our most heartfelt condolences to you and your family, Kim, who did everything possible for Sam.

    Hugs all around,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  14. My heart is breaking for you. What a wonderful dog Sammy was! You gave him such a good life ~ right up until the end. I'm so proud of you for all the love you give so selflessly and for the kindness and strength it takes to honor their will when you aren't really ready to let them go.

    God Speed, sweet Sammy! You are loved by more than you could ever even imagine!

    Gonna go cry myself to sleep now....

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about Sam. You did all you could for him and more. I'm sure he was thankful for those past few years with you.


  16. We lit our candle for Sam too. Tears are falling uncontrollably from our eyes, because we know you are hurting.
    You kept your promise to Sam to listen to what he needed. When you saw it in his eyes you knew.
    You did everything you could for Sam, but most of all you loved him until he closed his eyes for the last time. He will never forget you.
    I see Sams star in the sky.
    we love you
    tweedles and moms

  17. What a wonderful guy, thank you for sharing your most intimate emotions for your beautiful Sammy. Lighting a REAL candle for him tonight in Seattle. Run free Sam, run free. I will snuggle with Easton now, softly telling him how much he means to me, just like you did for Sam. We can never do that enough.

  18. Sigh...

    May all your friends be there to meet you on the other side.

    Rest now the pain is gone.

    We'll take care of your people so don't worry.

  19. Dear sweet Sam, you gave him every last minute possible and all of it filled with love.

    Sending love to you Kim,


  20. We are so sad you you and Sam.
    We hope that he is at peace now.
    He knows that you love him and he will be in your heart for ever.


    Dougall and family.

  21. Oh Kim, the tears are flowing here. But we know when our pups make the choice, we have to let them go.

    We know Sam had 3 years of love and care with you.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  22. This is so sad . He was one of natures gentlemen. And you are one of natures angels .

  23. Hi Kim, we are crying here...... it was his time. His pain is now over.


    Rubie and her mum xxx

  24. I am in tears...with you.
    "Fly free, sweet, special Sam...and give Maxdog a lick from us too."
    With love

  25. I am so sorry for your loss of Sam. I'm sure his owner will be happy to greet and play with best friend again.

    Many hugs to you, your husband and your pups for all the love and friendship you give and share to other animals in need.

  26. Oh my, I am so sorry to read this news. Of course we all have accept these things, but how difficult they are at the time. Our love of these dear friends goes so deep and makes it all the more difficult at the end. But, saying that you need to look on the positive side, you gave Sam a wonderful home, love and comfort throughout the time he was with you and how Lucky you were to have had him. God bless.

  27. I am so sorry you have lost Sam. All dogs are so very special and their loss is something we never totally recover from. Your image of the Rainbow Bridge is beautiful. My dog is so old that I know his time will come soon and I am so dreading it. We all define our family by his existance within it. Sending love, Lily. xxx

  28. Godspeed handsome Sam. Another life awaits. And much sympathy to you for the loss of your beautiful friend.

  29. Oh poor Sam.....but he has now a life without pain......that is good for him love love from

  30. .,oh sorry to hear about sam., our thoughts and prayers are with her..

    Stopped for a visit

    Dog Fence

  31. Kim, I am so sorry about Sam! He was so very fortunate to have been with you for the time that he was. You have made such a difference in so many canine lives!

  32. Oh no Kim... so sorry to hear about Sam. Thinking of you at this difficult time.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  33. So sorry to hear about sweet Sam. You could see his goodness in his pictures. Thank you for taking such good care of him right to the end.

    Heidi, Tucker and Daisy

  34. Dear Kim, I am just sitting here with tears streaming down my face, I am so sorry. their time with us is never enough. Now you know he is pain free and running wild like every golden should. YOu poured your heart into him and he knew was just time to go. I send you comforting hugs at this difficult time.

  35. I am so sorry about Sam...what a beautiful soul.

  36. Hugs to you Kim. Sam will be very much missed by all. Holding you close in our hearts today.

    Buzzy, the Pip and Camille

  37. Goodbye sweet, Sam. You held so much love in your eyes and heart. I will miss you.

    Kim, you gave him 3 wonderful years and did all you could for him. I'm sorry for your loss.

  38. As the tug in my throat subsides, I bid you a due Sam. Your pain is gone and you are in a better place. RIP

  39. Oh Kim - I'm so sorry to read about your losing Sam. Thinking of you during this difficult time.

    Hugs & quiet woofs,
    Nadine & golden Neeli

  40. Kim, I wish I could reach out and give you a hug for all you do. You are a very special person to endure all the losses. But you know Sam is running around pain-free at Rainbow Bridge.

  41. I am so sorry for your broken heart, Kim. I am so glad that Sam spent his last years with someone who loved him so much, and cared for him so generously.

    I'll be thinking about you and Sam.

    Laura Swanson

  42. I`m sitting here with tears for you.Sam knew it was time for him to leave,but it is always hardest for us.Be thankful for being able to give him the love he needed for his last years,may God give you comfort,phyllis

  43. I'm just seeing this today. I'm so sorry Kim, Sam knew how much you loved him and how hard you tried to help him. He is pain free now and running fast and free with all the others at the bridge.

    If you need anything, please let me know. HUGS

  44. Bless you and Sam. Canine cancer is a terrible, rotten, cruel thief.

  45. know how much we all love you for what you do for these precious dogs
    hugs to you
    and so sorry for another lose

  46. Run wild and pain free sweet Sam.
    You were indeed a brave gentleman, and will forever be loved.

  47. My heart is breaking for you, Kim, and for Sam. I'm so glad that he and you had the three years together, laughing and loving and making each others lives richer. Sam is no exception in your family - he was incredibly lucky to have you.

    Now grieve, and please know that many people around the world are grieving with you. I have tears rolling down my cheeks right now... oh such sadness cancer brings.

    Rest in peace, sweet Sam.

  48. Tears are flowing here for you. Sam was indeed a sweet sweet soul. Run free Sam. You are in me and MOM's prayers.

  49. Kim,
    Our hearts are breaking for you, we know the terrible pain you feel. Our little foster "Joe" went to the Bridge Sunday morning.
    God bless you for doing what you do.
    Godspeed Sam, run free of pain and we will all meet again someday.

    Sheila & Bob

  50. I admire your dedication and ability to love these senior Goldens. I lost one and he took such a big piece of me with him that I can't bear to love another one. My condolences on the passing of Sam.

  51. i'm so sorry Kim.....and i will say it are an angel to these old do what you do for these unwanted beauties is did the best for Sam and he was deeply loved....godspeed big handsome....

  52. Oh Kim, we are so berry berry sorry. We will look forward to the time you are able teu tell us more about Sam... so we can compare it teu what we feel in our hearts a bout him. He has grown teu be berry speshull teu us teu, and
    I will be honest wif yeu... My the Mom feels her Heart Boy, the Luke in the words Yeu haff shared a bout Sweet and Hamsum Sam. They will make great pals at The Bridge, and we will be berry berry lonely here.

    We circle Yeu in our lubbs. We hold Yeu and yeur fambily in our foughts and prayers...

    wif lubbs from Little Reufus

    PS It is naught forebber, juss fur now...

  53. Bless you and godspeed Sam.


  54. Oh Sam. What a sweet baby. So sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts...

    mamma heartbeat

  55. Awww RIP sweet Sammy x x x So, so sorry for your loss Kim. x x x x

  56. Kim, I'm so sad for you and Sam, but I know that he couldn't have had a better 2nd life than with you. We'll light a candle for him tonight.

    Anne & Charlie

  57. What a special boy.. So sad to hear this! My heart is breaking too... (((HUGS))) from Western Maryland.

  58. Our thoughts are with you and the pack. Dear Sam is no longer in pain and is running free.

  59. Our love and prayers for you all. God Bless Sam.

  60. I am so sorry for the loss of Sweet Sam. I'm sure he will never forget you and that he will meet you at the Rainbow Bridge one day too with his first owner and they will both give you the biggest thank you you can imagine for all the love and care you gave Sam.

  61. ((HUGS))) Pets sure get into our hearts don't they.
    Love Leanne

  62. Joining with all in hugging you closely...tears are falling for your loss, but for Sam, his freedom is here...
    Only so great a love could know so big a hurt upon his leaving to cross over...
    Bless you and your family...and Godspeed Sam.
    As angus said, Nature's true gentleman...

  63. Oh dear Kim,I feel so sad.Sam will never forget you and the wonderful love and care you gave him.Although it will be a comfort to you that he is no longer in pain,and running free,I know how your heart must be breaking right now.Big hugs XX

  64. Oh Kim, I'm so sorry. Sam had a great life with you, and was lucky you opened your home to him. Sending you hugs and love.

    Sam's Mom, Christine

  65. Now I know all that rain yesterday was tears! :( What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy! Thinking of you! Robin and family

  66. Woof! Woof! So sorry to hear about Sam. He brought so much joy that you'll treasure forever. Sending Lots of Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

  67. Kim, those years he had with you were of such quality and love .... no pup could have had better! You did everything possible to provide shelter and comfort. That is all we can do. Bye sweet Sam.

  68. Kim, you know what is on my mind so I won't write the words again with the exception of ..."twas Heaven here with you...I loved you so"...JP

  69. nudging hugs for you Kim...Sam sweetened your life and ours...He's at peace now so it's time for you to rest and feel Sam's love!

  70. From these shores of eastern Nova Scotia, Kim, we are sending you the warmest hugs imaginable. Sam was fortunate to have met and stayed with your family. This never gets easier does it......

  71. Dear Kim,

    Just read your post...through tears running down my face. So so sorry. This is truly the hardest part of loving our pets. I'm heartbroken for you. Just know that you gave him so much comfort and joy.

    My heart is with you and my arms are around you.

    Hugs, Joyce

  72. My dear Kim, It is with heavy heart that I read this; somehow I haven't gotten to blogs today. I am so very sorry for your loss but I am thankful that Sam is out of his pain now and running free. As you said, he has met your other beloved pups and his first owner. I know he will never forget you and what you all did for him. He will get to meet so many wonderful friends. Wish I could ease your pain! Sending lots of love to you tonight.

  73. as is our candle. thank you for giving him the love, time and security of being in a gentle home. our thoughts are w/ you and your pack.

  74. We are so sad that Sam has crossed the Bridge. But we're grateful he is no longer in pain and has been reunited with his first human. We know there is plenty of room in Sam's enormous heart for both his first human and for you. We all know the amazing capacity dogs have for love.

    Hugs, Jed & Abby and mama ML

  75. I am so sorry Kim. Farewell sweet Sam.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Yes, Kim.We would love to hear about Sam...every lil story about so many lil things that make a dog special to someone who knew and loved him...but for now Kim...hugs n sorry...
    But if you think Sam is in a better space now and he wanted this, I am happy...for U n for Sam

  78. Yes, Kim.We would love to hear about Sam...every lil story about so many lil things that make a dog special to someone who knew and loved him...but for now Kim...hugs n sorry...
    But if you think Sam is in a better space now and he wanted this, I am happy...for U n for Sam

  79. Yes, Kim.We would love to hear about Sam...every lil story about so many lil things that make a dog special to someone who knew and loved him...but for now Kim...hugs n sorry...
    But if you think Sam is in a better space now and he wanted this, I am happy...for U n for Sam

  80. Oh Kim, we all know when this time comes, it's the most heartbreaking time to endure. My eyes are filled. Sam was beautiful, inside and out, and he was so lucky to have a life with you. I know he's running happily in the fields above with all the other goldens, including my Dusty, Clifford and Timber. Bless you.

  81. So Sorry to read this, sending you lots of Hugs xxx

  82. as tears fill my eyes once again i send love and knowledge that jehovah god will one day soon take away this pain we feel from the injustices of life

  83. Hi Kim,
    I just recently joined your blog, but in the short period of time, I have gotten to know you and your pack. I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of Sam, but know he's in a better place. sometimes the best thing we can do for our friends, is to listen and help them begin their journey towards the rainbow Bridge. Last summer I had to help my old boy, Phoenix, do this and it was tough, but I knew it was what he wanted and that it was my responsibility to following his lead.

    Thinking of you and your pack at this time,
    Brooke, Cessna, Aspen, Canyon & Rogue

  84. How wonderful you had 3 happy years with Sam after he lost his first owner. We know you have great memories but also great pain. Purrs and pawhugs!

  85. What a beautiful post about your wonderful Sam. I have tears streaming down my face as I write this. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Hugs to you.

  86. I am so sorry. He was such a good boy.

  87. Can't stand that Sam lost his battle. What a lover he was.... I'm just so sorry.

  88. Softest husky wooooos,

    RA, Isis & NanĂ¼k

  89. I somehow missed this -- I am so very sorry for that, and for your loss of beautiful Sam. Sending lotsa woofs & huggies your way. <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  90. We are just finding out about Sam crossing the bridge and we are so very sorry for your loss. Run free sweet Sam.

    Blessings and Love,
    Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max


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