Friday, June 14, 2013

A Howling Welcome Home!!

We made it to Friday!  Yesterday's weather had everything from heat and cool breezes to sun and pouring rain, and it was topped off with a tornado warning.  But we made it through the storms pretty much unscathed.  
There are a few things on our agenda for the weekend, and one is that we will be welcoming a new addition to our household.  Her name is Taylor, and she's 14 years old.  When she arrives, I'll tell you her story.  But I'm hopeful that the dogs will give her a 'howling welcome' like they did for me when I got home this afternoon.  What's heard on the video below is not the usual welcome that I receive; I can only guess that the dogs have taken a cue from me, because it's how I feel many times when Friday and the weekend comes!!  I hope you enjoy your weekend too!!   
**The loudest dog heard in the video is Josh, followed by Sheba who is howling in the lower key, CarrieAnne barking with Charlie and Cissy singing the melody in a higher key.**  


  1. so cute!!! good luck with your new addition!

  2. Ryker really enjoyed that!!!

  3. That is truly music to your ears, welcome to your new family addition. Lots more TLC to someone so deserving I'm sure.Hope no more tornados to come. Greetings from Jean.

  4. Jill came in to see what all that was about! What a great welcome, bet it made you feel loved.
    A new resident, here's to a great welcome from the gang for her as well!
    We had your mix of weather yesterday as well. Goofiness!
    Have a nice relaxing weekend, stay cool and enjoy your time off!

  5. Now THAT was a welcome! Have a wonderful weekend Kim and I am looking forward to meeting Taylor.

  6. What a cute welcome home! My Goldie Girl gives a little happy growl. I will look forward to meeting your new addition. Happy Weekend to you.

  7. I love that sound!!! My family tell me that when ever I leave the house, little darla sits on the daybed on the porch and watches out of the window until I return. She will sit there allll day. : ) Something about that, makes me smile. Dogs are so loyal and sweet. I can't wait to meet the new addition.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. That's a nice welcome home! :) they must know its the weekend, and time to party! Lol

  9. That is quite a welcome home song. Can't wait to meet Taylor.


  10. Now that is beautiful music! Looking forward to meeting Taylor. Woooooooooooooo. Can I join in the singing group too?

  11. That sounds like a great orchestra. Applause to all the dogs that participated.
    Wish you luck with the new addition.

  12. That is awesome! What a beautiful welcome home. And you have a wonderful weekend too. Can't wait to hear about your new addition! :)

  13. That's how we talk to coyotes!! Have a wonderful weekend :-)

  14. That was dog talk for "hurry up Mom."
    Look forward to meeting Taylor.

  15. What a great welcome!! Best of luck with your new addition!!!

  16. Strike up the band! That was SOME greeting. Hope Taylor fits in.

    We got some rain photos from the relos. WOW!

    XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

  17. Well that was some greeting, we just stand at the gate and watch them park in the garage, then run to the back door!

    The Mad Scots

  18. HURRY UP MOM!!!! So sweet! Hope all works out well with Taylor. Will be thinking of you-bless your heart!
    Hoping you have a sunny weekend. We are in a tornado watch at the moment with lots of wind and rumbling and of course the obligatory RAIN~

  19. Looking forward to hearing about the new addition ..... and my ma thinks my schnauzer bark would really work in the choir!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  20. What a chorus!!!!! Have a howling good weekend. I can't wait to hear about your new furry friend!

  21. America's Got Talent has nothing on your pups! And now Kuster is barking his head off! lol

  22. That is quite a symphony, Sounds like Carnegie Hall is the next stop.

  23. Hehehe, had that turned up loud and Rory barked back. What a lovely welcome home. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  24. I just played that and Snippet started growling and jumping up at the door to be let out and defend his realm....he's not very bright!

  25. What a wonderful welcome home, bless their hearts.
    (could have done with a welcome like that last monday, had molar lr6 out!! the back had broken down to gum level!!...eek).

  26. Haha ~ that is a big welcome indeed! Glad everyone stayed safe from the weather. And I look forward to meeting your new addition to the family.
    xo Catherine

  27. You are so special Kim!!! good luck with the new-old one!!!
    Loved your video!!!

  28. Hi Kim - I just played the howling video and now Luigi puppy thinks that my laptop is a dog and is trying to eat it!! He was really spooked by it. He also howls like a hound even if I go out the garden without him - good job we are moving into the country away from neighbours. Lily. xxx

  29. I love that serenade...Coming home to all that would make me feel truly welcome

  30. Now THAT is music to my ears!! Don't you just LOVE coming home to those sounds?? I do!! Welcome to Taylor!! xo Jeanne

  31. I can hardly wait to meet your new family member. I'm sure all your puppies will take your lead and fall in love with her.

  32. We are happy for the new comer that is coming to Golden Pines.. she will be so loved! We know that for sure.

  33. Nothing like a howling to get the weekend started . Have your new neighbours moved in yet ?

  34. Such a cute orchestra! Happy Sunday!

  35. Isn't it wonderful to be so loved? Hubby always says he would be such a happy man if I would be as happy as Sophie is when he comes home every day. Can't wait to meet the new fur baby.

  36. oh my gosh.
    I've listened to it three times already! i'd say you are queen of the pack! LOL.
    welcome home!
    can't wait to meet the new member of the family.

  37. My gang all howl when they hear the garage door. I always enjoy the chorus.

  38. Sampson is a "roo'er" and it is such a welcoming sound. He brings a smile to my face every day.

    That IS quite a welcome you got.

  39. I love that video! Looking forward to reading the post about Taylor :)


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