Friday, June 7, 2013

The Week Ends

Another full and very hectic week winds down.  I've not felt well the entire week and left work early two days to come home and came late on another. Outside our warm summer-like temperatures have been chased away by clouds and rain ahead of the effects of Tropical Storm Andrea who is working her way up the east coast.  With rain predicted through Saturday, it should make for a really fun weekend for someone,  I wonder who?
I'm looking forward to reading what you've been up to this week.  Enjoy your Friday!


  1. Better get the towels ready...for wet dogs. Cuddle up with a book.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

  2. Morning Kim, sweet little bunny in the yard......Oh that Todd, what a charming little fellow......good weekend to cozy p and grab a book with the dogs.....Keep Safe,Francine.

  3. Just catching up before a lovely walk in the sunshine - hooray for it at last! Sorry you're expecting rain; I'm afraid we are too next week but the garden and farmers will be happy I guess. Happy Friday to you too.

  4. Just staying indoors, high and dry except for the moments of outdoor time so the pups can do their business. Gosh it's wet out there and the lawn is high as a hay field!

  5. Sorry you haven't been feeling too grand this week. Make the most of the weekend and try to rest....ann

  6. hope you have a restful and uneventful weekend!

  7. hope you have a restful and uneventful weekend!

  8. Rain, rain and more rain... guess the flowers will take off after this weekend. I love the first picture of Todd!! So sweet!

  9. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I have been the same. In the dumps for some reason all week long. Our weather is horrible and has been for the past 2 weeks. Lots of yard work ahead of us once this yucky weather passes. My poor Roscoe has not had much time outside in the yard to play or run or just lay and roll around the grass. he loves that.
    Hope you have a better weekend and stay dry and safe.

  10. Poor Kim ... I'm really sorry you aren't feeling well. A rainy couple of days taking it easy may be just what you need.

  11. Sounds like a weekend to sit on a covered porch and watch it rain... oh and watch Todd enjoying it. Hope you get to feeling better.

  12. Hope you are feeling better soon, hope you get some rest!!

  13. Looks like Todd is already in position.

  14. Yup cloudy and drizzly here since yesterday , my gardens are loving it as is our scruffy Miggs who is like Todd drinking from the puddle ! Thanks for sharing hope you feel better soon ! Have a good weekend !

  15. I hope you feel better soon Kim!!

  16. such a cute bunny!

    we had enough rain yesterday to make the grass grow by leaps and bounds. but nice to have a refresher before the crackly browns set in.

  17. We got 3 inches of rain with our little storm. We surely needed it..
    I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling good---- better soon OK????
    Happy week-end!

  18. Hope the cooler temps have you feeling better.

  19. Hey Kim, Sorry this week hasn't been your best. Take comfort in the knowledge that you knew what day it is... I had to double check. I hope you feel better soon. )))HUGS(((

  20. Yep, looks like a dreary weekend for us up her in Maine as well. Maybe some naps will be in order. Hope you get to feeling better!

  21. We had heavy rain all day yesterday. Makes entertaining two young pups challenging. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hope a weekend of rest helps.


  22. Get your waders on, do you need us to send ours over. Ohhhh Todd, water out of a dirt puddle is just the bestest stuff in the tummy!

    The Mad Scots

  23. We haven't had any rain out here since late March and don't expect any until the fall. (Irrigation from mountain meltwater lets crops grow.)

    We don't envy the tropical storms, but relaxing with a book, wrapped up in dogs sounds like a good way to spend a weekend.

    Good wishes that you soon feel better.

  24. Ugh - we have been hoping the rain would disappear! Tomorrow we have an outdoor dog show, and it's going to be very wet and muddy! I hope the judge remembers her rain boots!

  25. *hugs* Kim. Hope the weekend is a good one for you. ♥

  26. Get some rest this weekend and feel better!

  27. oh dear heart. adorable pictures.
    but try to rest.
    you're just worn out no doubt.
    and feeling awful too.
    you go ninety to nuthin!
    who knows what that means? i've always heard it. it means you're very busy. at least i think it does!
    enjoy your weekend. rest. hugs to you.

  28. Sometimes we just have to take it easy and rest, right? Hope you feel better soon :)

  29. Kim, I hope you're feeling better today!! It's a bummer when you don't feel well and makes it hard to work.

    I adore the path to your gate!! And of course I adore the little boy at the end of it!!

    Have a great weekend - I hope you get some rest.


  30. I really like that split rail type fence you have.
    The GOOD thing about BAD weather, is that it keeps one inside the house doing chores ( in my case artwork that must be finished),instead of outside in the garden.
    I read a few posts down about your run in with the dreaded Poison Ivy. The best remedy I have found is the jewel weed that grows wild in the woods and near creek banks, often close to the poison ivy itself. Break it in half and smooth the juice on the affected area, it actually works in taking away the itch!

  31. It was so good to get a visit from you, my busy friend. I hope you will get some rest this weekend and will feel better. After reading about your commutes, plus of course taking care of all your dogs and the cat, and the rest of your place, I hope you will find some time to rest.

  32. ¸.•°❤❤⊱彡

    Passei para uma visitinha.
    A segunda foto é uma doçura.

    Bom fim de semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil°º✿♫
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

  33. Hi Kim. It's Nicola here from the Homestone. Thanks so much for your nice note(s)on my blog.
    Always a treat to pop in on you too. The pics of your pups and their antics never fail to bring a smile to my face... Sure hope you are feeling better Kim and that the sun shines gently on you and the crew. Take care!

  34. I hope you feel better soon. We were "blessed" (?) with nothing but rain all day yesterday. Today it's down to a drizzle but is expected back again on Monday. Although my garden is growing by leaps and bounds I'll have weeds as tall as I am pretty soon!! :)

  35. Hi Y'all!

    Thanks for stoppin' to visit me!

    My Human has been a real computer hog lately! She claims she needs it for something she calls "work". She did want me to tell you she is hoping the weekend will have you feeling tip top again!

    My paws are crossed for you to quickly return to feeling like yourself!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  36. I hope you are feeling better! Our weather is much the same here! I hope it gets better this weekend. Love your cute pup! Happy weekend!

  37. We've had so many storms lately. We all feel a bit soggy. Hope things dry up soon for all of us.

  38. Well, you must have shooed the rain to the middle of the United States-I hear it coming down and it's rather chilly-STILL even in June!
    I am so sorry you've felt poorly ...maybe a restful weekend tucked inside with your hubby and fur kids will be just what you need.
    Take care!
    p.s. thanks for the update on Cissy-that face of hers tells a story of a hard-lived happy she has you now!

  39. Kim,
    Hope your feeling better soon!!!
    Andrea has hit us with her heavy rain fall today, but we have yet to have the high winds which were predicted.
    Todd looks happy in his mud puddle lapping up the water.
    So cute.
    Love the sweet bunny shot.
    Take care and have a great weekend.

  40. Now that is one brave rabbit!
    We are experiencing 'Andrea', the Post Tropical Andrea that is, today....tons of rain! But very manageable considering 'she' is the first of a few predicted to hear our way up here in Nova Scotia.
    Hope you feeling a little better Kim. Take care.

  41. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well, Kim. I hope you feel better soon.

    I love this photo of Todd. He looks happy to me, even when i can't see his face. lol. I look at this pic and grin from ear to ear. It seems as though he's 'cooking up' some mischief as he quenches his thirst! :)

  42. Puddles are the best fun, wish I could muck around with Todd in them!

  43. I sure hope that you feel better after some rest this weekend.

    And I hope that Todd isn't completely covered in mud :)

  44. Did Bunny get some carrots?


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