Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Summer Pastime

I don’t know about your summers growing up, but when I was a kid, my summers were hot!!
One of the things my siblings along with our friends loved to do was to play in the water.  And one of the favorite pastimes was to run through the sprinkler on the lawn. We didn't have  “Slip ‘n Slides” or anything like that, we only had the plain ole average lawn sprinkler, and if we didn't have one or if ours didn't work well enough, we would go and use someone else's.
Playing in the sprinkler was so spontaneous.  We didn't worry about sunscreen or anything else for that matter.  The only thing we needed was some friends to come and join in the fun.
In my  mind I can still remember rolling out the hose, twisting the squeaky faucet and watching the sprinkler come to life.  Sure the water was cold, but more importantly it was exhilarating.
There were different tactics we would use: 
Standing in one place and getting wet, 
Or just running through it.... 
Then of course there was “stay-away.” 

 It didn’t really matter what you did.  
As long as your were staying cool and having fun.
But after awhile the grass would start sticking to our feet...
And we would get tired of being cold and the fun would come to an end. 
But not before we took one last drink out of the hose and ran through it one more time....
Good times... 


  1. This is one very happy little doggie...bless him - Todd you are a fun lad :)

  2. That looks like so much fun that I'm tempted to go out and turn on the sprinklers and dive in.

    But then I remember getting cold and muddy and having to clean up. Some things you can only do when you're a child or a very happy dog.

  3. Todd you should come play with us. We Porties love the hose and sprinklers.

  4. OMG, Todd is adorable. He is just like Roscoe. Loves running through the sprinklers. Also reminded me of those good old days. Happy, clean fun. Nothing expensive and no fighting. Everyone waited for their turn and had a good time.
    Thanks for bringing back those memories.

  5. Todd, you really do bring back some memories of running in the sprinklers and playing in the water!. Just look at you- your so happy! You must be the happiest pup on earth.
    You made us smile with all your cuteness!

  6. Todd looks like he had a blast! I used to love playing in the sprinkler as well!

  7. So much fun for Todd. Thanks for reminding me of childhood summer memories.

  8. Now Todd knows how to be cool, to much fun..... adorable Todd......As a kid the sprinkler was our friend on a hot summer day too Kim, blessings Francine.

  9. Way to go Todd, I like to do that, it's just some awesome cool stuff!

    The Mad Scots

    Pees; Dad says he did the same thing!

  10. Our George would run a mile from any water....period x

  11. Todd knows how to have fun. :-)

    I remember having a round sprinkler that sprayed the water in a circle. And I remember a two arm and three arm type before they started came out with the oscillating sprinklers.

    I remember just getting sprayed with the hose, too.

    It would be great fun to go through the sprinkler with Todd, I think.
    Have a great week, Kim!

  12. That Todd....what a hoot! We can't believe how much he likes that sprinkler. We only like water we can STAND in, or go in at our leisure.

    SHE remembers those sprinkler your underwear. But SHE spent most of her childhood damming up polluted creeks! Probably why SHE's so healthy today.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    SHE remembers the gnats, too....yuck

  13. I too grew up playing in the sprinkler and having a ball doing it. Walter sure loves playing in the sprinkler too.


  14. Todd is having fun playing in the sprinklers. Cute photos!

  15. Todd relived your past perfectly! I think I'll try that with the dogs this week...heaven help us!...:)JP

  16. Best post ever! I'm grinning from ear to ear and laughing out loud. Todd, you are awesome! Way to enjoy yourself. :)

  17. Hi Kim, I love these memories-brought back some for me. I loved seeing your pups in the water too-can't tell who enjoyed it more-Todd maybe?! Hope you have a great night and good Monday.
    xxxoooNoreen & Hunter

  18. Awesome photos ! Miggs loves playing in the sprinkler ! I don't remember the humidity as a kid that we get now but I do remember the heat as living on the farm we had no air conditioner of any kind for years only fans ! Now I am spoiled with AC good thing cause I get hot flashes now a days lol ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good week and stay cool !

  19. oh yes! a perfect way to spend a hot summer day whether child or pooch!
    My doxie LIVES to get to go out and chase the him it is better than a silly sprinkler that just "sits" there :) Aren't our animals funny in their ways?

  20. We didn't have lawn sprinklers when I was a child in the late 60s/early 70s. We took a water hose and tied it over the clothesline like a shower head. haha I have looked at these pictures of your doggie and laughed out loud. This is the funniest thing I've seen in a very long time. Thank you for the laughter!

  21. Great photos! And happy memories - I have many similar ones!

  22. Oh yes yes yes. My MOM remembers those times too. Looks like Todd takes after you.

  23. I believe he had a great time!

  24. Oh Todd, what a joyfully fun post.
    Happy Sunday
    Bert and My Vickie

  25. Todd can really enjoyo himself! Adorable!

  26. I sure do remember those times! And this is the cutest little story - you need to do a little book! Adorable! Love Todd's expressions! A perfect "little book".

  27. Just came over from Bob and Sophie's blog. This post is adorable, and brings back so many happy childhoor memories.
    PS I've lived in Northern Scotland for the past fifteen years, and saw sprinklers being used on lawns for the first time this week!

  28. Sprinklers ! Should have stopped by earlier to discover our Sunday's shared a common denominator !.

  29. Todd and Sioux could be litter-mates as much as they love water. :)

  30. Our kids would love that - well, Monty and Harlow would.


  31. This has got to be one of the best blogger post of all times!! I have to share it. I'm so happy my sweet Todd is with you!!


  32. So very cute!! I love that the photos show his absolute love of having fun. He is too much!!

  33. Bambi use to love to play in the hose or a sprinkler too!! For years she loved it and I can see a lot of that love in Todd's face too... So cute he is!!!
    Thanks for your visit!!!!
    I am pretty sure we will have a lot more good years together!!

  34. Oh my goodness Kim!! You have brought back so many great memories of my own childhood ... we LOVED the sprinkler!! I think I may go out this afternoon and buy one for the girlz! It is very HOT here!! Todd is absolutely AWESOME in these pics...pure joy on his face!! xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  35. I wish I had a dog that loved the hose

    Stop on by for a visit

  36. Wonderful action shots...Todd is having a blast!

  37. We didn't have a sprinkler so we had to take turns making a rainbow arch by putting our thumb over the opening of the hose. It was good times though.

  38. OMG.
    i will come to this post over and over!!!
    the pure joy in that little face and dancing body is uplifting to my very soul!
    thank you tiny todd! love, tammy j

  39. ⊱✿✿°

    Maravilhoso verão... pura diversão.
    Boa semana·..¸彡
    ♪♫° Beijinhos·..°♡♡
    °❤❤ Brasil✿✿·..

  40. Ooooh, so much fun! I bet Arlo would love to play with you. He doesn't like his bath, but doesn't mind sprinklers.

    Keep cool,

    Linda, Abby & Arlo

  41. Todd is adorable, and you captured such wonderful photos of his puppy-like spirit!

    I read you last post too. I've had no blogger problems (fingers crossed), and I'm really rooting for Cissy to overcome whatever is ailing her. I am thinking of her.

  42. Lovely photos. There is nothing like water to refresh on a hot summer day.

  43. Oh man, I can't wait to sprinkler weather!

    My peep remembers those days too (very faintly). She used to do it when she was very little, but then there was the big dry, the 10 year draught, and water restrictions. That didn't end till she was all grown up and to old for that sort of stuff...

  44. I knew I smelled Wet Dog!
    Thanks for the the smiles, and happy sprinkler memories!


  45. Hi Y'all!

    Oh that looks like fun! I've never done anything like that.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  46. Catching up. Cute pictures.

    Hope Cissy is doing better. :)

  47. Best post of the summer!!!!! I just love that Todd. Oh my goodness, what a ton of fun he's having. :-)

  48. My first Golden Sunny did that. Loved to chase and play in the hose water.

  49. I'm hiding from the heat, catching up on what I missed while I was on vacation. These photos show such unbridled joy!!! Can't help but smile while looking at them.

    Hopefully Cissy will get through this latest bump in her long road. She has such a sweet face.

    I admire you so much for taking in the senior dogs. There's nothing quite like an old dog face and attitude.

    I have at least four dog beds for you, all washed and ready to go. I'll come up your way, whenever it's good for you.


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