Sunday, July 26, 2020

Good-Bye to the Beautiful Hannah

I am greatly saddened this morning to tell you about the loss of our beautiful Hannah yesterday. I was worried about her when I left to come here to Tennessee and I hoped that she'd be okay until I returned on Wednesday. And when Carl called me in the morning to tell me of a sudden change in her, I prayed for her to hang-on.  But it was her journey, not mine, and it was her time to leave us.

More than anything, I wanted to be there with Hannah on her last day, to kiss her head one more time and to look into her beautiful, hopeful and trusting brown eyes and tell her how much I loved her and how much I was going to miss her. But last night, as our day ended and I looked up into the stars, I knew that the miles apart didn't matter. She knew how I felt about her.  Hannah's place in my heart and as part of the fabric of our lives will always be a part of me. I'm grateful for the chance to have known and loved this beautiful and brave and courageous girl for 171 days. 

God-speed Hannah-Bannah until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.


  1. Oh my . . . caring for you Kim.

  2. I am sure that beautiful Hannah best days were those last 171 ones with you, Kim.

  3. Goodbye sweet Hannah! I am sure Hannah's last day with you were happy days! {{Sending hugs}}

  4. We're so sorry to hear that Hannah has gone to The Bridge. We have our paws crossed for your family and are sending warm hugs to you.

  5. Why doesn't the Grim Reaper self-quarantine?

  6. So very sorry Kim, Hannah was such a beautiful soul.
    Our lives are enriched for the time we have spent with these precious fur babies.
    Godspeed sweet Hannah.

  7. Awwwww ((((((((((Kim))))))))). I'm so sorry about Hannah! Yes, I am sure she felt your presence as she closed her earthly eyes one more time. In fact, when she closed those beautiful eyes I'm sure an image of you is what she saw!! Gentle hugs to you, Andrea xoxo

  8. Hannah would have held you in her heart, and know the love you gave.When we love, time is too short. Darling girl, the others would have welcomed you with love, and you will be waiting for Kim .XXXX

  9. So sorry to hear about Hannah - she had such a sweet and soulful face. Soft woos and gentle hugs to you.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. Oh no. I love her because some of my best friends have been chocolate lab girls. I love her eyes which speak volumes about the love in her soul. Thank you for loving her, Kim. I'm so sorry that this chapter has closed.

  11. Sometimes they know it is easier to go while you aren't there. Hugs and tears for you.

  12. Oh Kim, I'm so sorry that you have lost your beautiful, gentle girl. I think that dogs have so much empathy with us, and she would know that you loved her so much. You gave her the most contented time of her life, and she went knowing how much you cared.

  13. that face. beautiful and calm. she was just special. I think your souls connected from the beginning. sending you love dearest Kim. xo

  14. We're so sorry to hear about Hannah. What a beautiful old soul! I'm sure she's running and playing with our angels Joey, Ginger, and Charisma over the rainbow bridge.

  15. So saddened that Hannah has gone to the Rainbow Bridge so soon, but know you and the others in the pack made the last 171 days of her life just perfect: safe, cozy, loved, surrounded by companions, and fed. We should all be so fortunate.


  16. Kim, so sorry to hear the news of Hannah. Godspeed Hannah we will all meet again. We are sure the time with you was the highlight of her life. Take care๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”

  17. Kim, I'm so sorry. I know it must have been so hard for you being so far away. But Hannah knew it was time and she also knew she would always be in your heart. Her short time with you was probably the best time of her entire life. You gave her the peace and love she craved.

  18. Farewell, beautiful ... be at peace beyond your rainbow.

  19. We are so sorry to hear about your beautiful Hannah. Hugs from all of us.

  20. Oh noes. I am so sorry for you loss of your beautiful gurl. I am sendin' lots and lots of AireZens and {{{{hugs}}}} your way.
    Ruby ♥

  21. Oh, sweet sweet Hannah, this was so much sooner that we all wished. I'll miss this beautiful girl. My heart is with you, Kim.

  22. We are so sorry for your loss. I know it's tough not to be there when they pass...I've had that happen too many times. But they truly do know how much we love them. Big hugs to you.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  23. I"m so sorry for your loss, Kim♥ Godspeed, Hannah♥

  24. Goodbye, Hannah. For 171 days you were very, very loved. Run free, friend.

  25. We know how important it is to be with your fur babies at such a time - but trust that she will always be with you, and that she knew you were with her then.
    Sometimes when a human is about to go, they wait until their loved ones step away for a moment. Then they let go.

  26. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. XO

  27. Fly free beautiful Soul๐Ÿ’—
    So sorry of the loss of your sweet girl, Hannah. Soft Pawkisses to comfort you๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ’ž


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