Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Weekends

Last weekend, Ophelia, a tropical depression impacted parts of the mid-Atlantic after its landfall early Saturday with heavy rain, strong winds and even some flooding. It put a bit of a damper on the annual Oktoberfest that the town that I live in has every year. 

Ophelia delivered about 3 inches of rain for us. The clouds stayed around through the week, but we didn't get much more rain and we're still in a drought and short about 10 inches of rain. 

I was off to the vet again with Iva to have her ears rechecked. The infection has cleared up pretty well, but not enough for the vet. So, Iva's ears were cleaned and 'reinfused' again with an antibiotic. Another recheck in 3 more weeks. 

We did get some good news, in that Iva has lost about 6 pounds since her last vet visit. Her diet of canned pumpkin, green beans, and a little bit of dry food is doing the trick. The vet was very happy with that, although I can't help but joke and hope that she didn't have a foot off the scale. 😊

I've not mentioned Todd much because I'll admit to being a little bit superstitious and I don't want to jinx anything. 

But he's had a couple of bumpy days this past week because he's been spending more time outside and he has loved every minute of it. However, I should have known better than to let him stay outdoors for hours at a time, because its triggered his allergies a bit, and he's had short bouts of sneezing and coughing - But thankfully it has been nothing like it was in the spring with his having a totally clogged up nose -- knock, knock, knock on wood that it stays that way. 


  1. ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

  2. I am guessing Todd has the last word. Hoping all the others are well, and Iva keeps that weight as it should be.

  3. Both Iva and Todd look extremely happy and very healthy.

  4. Hello,
    Cute photos of Iva and Todd. I hope they both stay healthy and continue to do well. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  5. great news on the weight loss for Iva and hope this infusion does the trick. poor Todd, it has to be so hard for you to stay inside while the others play outside. maybe winter time will help with the allergies

  6. We have our paws crossed for Iva and Todd that they feel better soon. Our weather will be summer like for most of this week with some rain coming on Friday...if you can believe the weather forecasters. BOL!

  7. What wonderful photos of Iva and Todd and hope both (and their packmates) continue to be healthy and happy.

    We're a bit SW of Richmond and god 3.3" of rain from Ophelia but our home is on a hill so didn't have flooding here. It was odd to have such an overcast sky for days thereafter.


  8. Hard to limit time spent outdoors! That sounds like a good diet!

  9. Big cheers for beautiful Iva and that is one happy looking Todd!

  10. Thanks for the news! We hope that both Iva and Todd continue to do well.



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