Saturday, September 21, 2024

Twenty One Days

It has already been twenty one days since Todd left us. I'm still having those moments where I feel a wave of grief over his loss. I think that the hardest part has been that he was gone so quickly and so unexpectedly. Our 13 years together was over before I knew it. But isn't that what we always say? 

~Todd's first day with us 6-24-2011~

However, my heart and soul are full of gratitude that we were lucky enough to have Todd as part of our lives. Thank you all for sharing his loss with me. Your comments, e-mails, cards, flowers and even homemade peach jam from a local friend all lifted my heart and spirits in so many ways. 

And a very special thank you, to you blogging friends for letting me share Todd's antics with you too! What a fun and spirted character Todd was - Todd with his big personality brought us so much joy and laughter!! He was truly the star of our household. He was everything and so much more that I wanted in a dog when we decided on a puppy that was not going to be a Golden Retriever. And maybe, just maybe, I'll do it again with another terrier. It's way too quiet at our house, and I'm sure the 3 neighbors we have miss Todd's barking too. We'll see what the cosmos has in store. 

~Todd - 2016~

Carl was out of town when we lost Todd, and that left me as single-dog-Mom for 2 weeks. Taking care of everything at home and getting to work, was, well, a lot of work. It was good to be busy and was even therapeutic. But at the end of those first days, when the day was over, and we'd all go to bed, in the quiet moments of course I'd think of Todd and how much I loved and missed him. I'll always miss him.

So, it's now twenty-one days since Todd left and life is somehow settling into a new routine without him. But his spirit lives on in all the memories he left us with. He'll always be part of this place I call Golden Pines. Which in this moment, lets me know that we're going to be okay. ❤

~Our happy place and last fun trip - Tennessee - August 2024~

Tucked into a card from a friend. 

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