Sunday, June 9, 2024

Dreams that Cannot Be

Thank you all for cheering and welcoming "Noodle the 'doodle." 

I will start this post by saying that we've been fostering since about 1999 - And each new foster always brings on hopes and dreams for them. More times than I can count, those hopes and dreams for them have been exceeded. The latest of course being Iva who truly found the best family to call her very own. 

~Iva, sporting a short summer cut~

On the flip side of that is that sometimes, the reality is, there are dreams that cannot be. Unfortunately it appears to be the case with Noodle. A vet visit on Friday that included x-rays shows that his leg that we thought was re-injured and atrophied is unfortunately bone cancer. The cancer appears to be only in his leg and not spread into his chest, which is the good news.  

~At the Vet~

We're not sure what the options are - the vet is going to ask other colleagues their thoughts as we wait for the results of his bloodwork. We've started Noodle on pain management that will help him, no matter what treatment is decided for him. 

I do have to be honest, it's hard to be hopeful at this moment -- Because I'm feeling a whole range of emotions from sadness and heartbreak to a bit of anger at the previous owner and vets for not being more proactive about Noodle's condition. 

~On the way home~

But as I was reminded yesterday, that changed last week when Noodle found his way to the rescue, and to us too. We've cared for 4 dogs that I can recall that had bone cancer -- Cougar, Chip, Hannah, Shelby -- So we know the care that's needed. I'm guessing the cosmos knew that when it brought Noodle to us. 

~I do love Noodle's smile~

Friday, June 7, 2024

Noodle Arrives at Golden Pines

Thank you to those who have stopped by and checked on us. We are okay ... At least I am ... now. In the past month I've missed 2 weeks of work because of a virus that really knocked me off my feet. I'm feeling much better now, and am back to work. Thankfully. 

As we all know, even when your world is at a standstill, life does continue around you. Just as I was getting back on my feet and trying to get back to work, we were asked to take a new addition. The timing of being asked wasn't much of a surprise, at least not to me. Because I had that feeling that with Iva having been adopted in March another dog was soon going to come to us. 

And I was right. Last Thursday, we welcomed an 8 year old Goldendoodle named Noodle -- a 'doodle named Noodle, how cute is that?!?! -- One reason we were asked to take Noodle is because we have no inside steps, and he has physical and mobility issues that will need to be sorted out. Noodle once belonged to someone who passed away about 8 months ago. The daughter took Noodle. However she lives in a small home, and with 2 dogs of her own, and a few other reasons, she was unable to care for him. 

Noodle had knee surgery at one point in his life. Sadly he reinjured his knee and he was never taken back to the vet to try and fix it again. So, he now holds his leg up close to his body, and uses his front legs to balance himself. Unfortunately, this has caused his rear-end muscles to atrophy. Added to that is that Noodle is also really underweight. His hip bones are painfully visible. Noodle once weighed 80 pounds, and he now weighs about 40. Given that, and that he doesn't move around much, there's no doubt that he doesn't feel well. 

This afternoon we're off to the vet for an exam and all the tests that will hopefully give us an idea about his overall health, and give us a direction and a plan going forward. Right now, I'm not sure what that plan will be. But what I do know, is I'm grateful that we get to know this sweet boy, and be part of his story. But I'm especially grateful and thankful that Noodle now has a chance and a bright future because he's found his way to the Golden Retriever Rescue.