Saturday, September 14, 2019

Finally it's Friday!

Finally it's Friday!  We have a lot going on behind the scenes that I won't bore you with, but its been a busy and roller coaster of a week. 
The new arrivals, Sophie and Tiggy the cat, are settling in nicely.  I grew up with siamese cats, and I've been reminded more than once this week about what unique characters they are, and Tiggy is no exception. They are a breed of cat that my Mom loved, and just about the only cat she'd let us have as kids. 
~My late brother and me, circa 1966~
Which is why my brother and I decided that having Tiggy as part of our household reminds us of her. 

I did finally catch up with the vet who has cared for Tiggy, whose real name is actually Tigger, and the lovely Sophie.  He told me that Sophie had radiation for throat cancer last year. The radiation she had did shrink the tumor. However, during an exam that Sophie had recently, her vet said a lump has appeared next to her voice box, but he can't be certain if it's the same one.  I've decided to take Sophie to see Holistic Vet next week. I hope that maybe herbs like the ones Charlie takes may help Sophe as well. 
~Sophie and Tanner - I love Sophie's white eyebrows~

Our other new arrival, Tanner was posted on the Lab Rescue (LLRCP) Facebook page today, for "Foster Friday."   I know I keep saying it, but I hope his new forever home comes forward soon.
~A Facebook collage for Tanner~

Our Friday was a quiet day. We enjoyed cooler temps and I let Todd spend most of it outside.
As for me, I spent most of my day inside catching up, and I even took a nap. I'm just so happy the busy week is over!


  1. Bon chance with Sophie and holistic vet !

  2. Hope Sophie can get something for the lump. Sounds like you're back to the busy schedule.

  3. Fingers crossed for a happy outcome for both Sophie and Tanner. Who could resist such a delightful girl?

  4. Oops ! I mean a delightful boy !

  5. Hello, I am glad the weekend is here and you can relax. Cute photos of all the furbabies. I'll pray for Sophie and that Tanner finds a forever home. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  6. I hope all goes well in the coming days.
    God bless.

  7. We're so glad your new family members are doing well. Hooray!

  8. We have our paws crossed for Sophie. That Tiggy is a cutie.

  9. wonderful pictures and post. thank you! I hope the holistic vet has some helpful herbs.
    and Todd's little face is always so happy and welcome! xo

  10. May Tanner find the perfect home. And May the vet help Sophia.

  11. Tiggy is gorgeous. Mom can't have a cat because Dad is allergic and Syd and Mack would never accept one.

  12. It's good to look back on a busy week and say goodbye to it. Have a great weekend.

  13. I love Siamese! They are so quirky. Princess Leia is my second one. Tiggy is a beauty.

    I hope Sophie can get the help that she needs.

    I too am glad for a busy week to be over. Enjoy your weekend!

  14. My BFF kept her dog alive for years using holistic meds...:)jp

  15. I love the happiness of your pack. They are wonderful, and they make me smile. Best thoughts for Sophie.

  16. We hope everything is going well with Sophie and Tanner. Great hearing the weather has gotten cooler for you. Love the Charlie photo. Have a fun rest of your week.
    World of Animals


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