Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Final Report is in

THE FINAL PATHOLOGY REPORT for Noodle has been returned -- I'll begin with saying that just prior to the surgery to amputate his leg, an oncologist looked at Noodle's x-rays and suggested that the cancer may be in his knee joint, and was not osteosarcoma (bone cancer) like we had thought. This gave us something to hope for. 

And those hopes were raised when the preliminary biopsy report made no mention of bone cancer, but  instead, mentioned synovial cell sarcoma -- I'd never heard of it, so I looked it up. 

**Synovial cell sarcoma, also known as joint cancer, is a soft tissue cancer that affects a dog's joints. The best treatment for synovial cell sarcoma in dogs is amputation of the affected limb. The surgery must be wide and deep to remove all of the tumor tissue, and a large margin of healthy tissue should be removed around the visible mass. In some cases, amputation may be the only way to be curative.

With that, all we could do was wait for the final report. And the final report confirmed what we were all hoping for, that Noodle's cancer was confined to his knee joint - With clear and extended margins from the amputation with no signs that it metastasized, and no signs of osteosarcoma, we are confident that Noodle's surgery has been curative. 

It was truly the best news. I cannot express the relief and gratitude I am feeling - That feeling of gratitude also extends to the rescue for their deciding to do the amputation surgery when we were so unsure of what the outcome would be. It has, without a doubt, given Noodle a bright future. 


  1. Good news, glad you are taking such good care of Noodle!

  2. This makes me so happy!!! Lori

  3. Great, wonderful news, for you and for Noodle. A great team effort by everyone. Let the healing begin and go forwards with lots of love.

  4. What good news, so pleased that things have turned out well for Noodle. He's such a beautiful boy and deserves the very best chances to recover completely.

  5. I am so happy for this report, hugs and love to Noodle

  6. Wonderful news! He looks like a very happy boy who knows he is well loved!

  7. Wonderful news ! Thank you for taking such good care of him ❤️

  8. That is good news, I am happy for Noodle and you! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  9. So happy for you & Noodle at this news.

  10. That is amazingly great news for Noodles. We have our paws crossed that he continues to feel much better and works hard on his rehab.

  11. Joy!! Noodle is a sweetie and am glad, so glad, that he has a bright future.

    Hugs and happy dancing

  12. So glad that it wasn't bone cancer and that the amputation was the answer. So happy for you both! ♥

  13. Thank you Jesus

  14. Oh, what wonderful happy news for you!! There are tears of joy here for this outcome. Noodle looks like an extra sweet boy; may there be many, many grand days ahead. Sending love to you all.

  15. We are so happy for you and for Noodle. That is wonderful news. We have to say that Noodle looks pretty happy too:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. What wonderful news!
    —— Cheerful Monk

  17. This is the best news I've heard all day today. Give Noodle a big hug from Florida! :)

  18. I'm smiling! SO, so pleased for you, and for Noodle of course.

  19. Wowee! Hugs all around. Noodle is the luckiest dog in the world at the right place at the right time for his needs. So happy for all of you!

  20. Hello! I’m so glad you got the best news possible under the circumstances. But I’m sorry Noodle had to have an amputation. How is the recovery going?

  21. Hope all is well with all of you.


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