Okay, it's been much too serious around here lately. So, here's some random photos from the past week, that aren't the best - But there's a little bit of canine-mischief going on at our house.
Lets start with Jake. He started out by posing for a few photos.
Afterwards, I started taking pictures of Georgie. when I turned around, he was up on his feet and headed at a pretty good pace towards the road. I caught him before he got there.
Not to be outdone, a few minutes later, Rhett (below) AKA, the escape artist, glanced over his shoulder as I was taking his picture, and did the same thing. Carl was able to catch him.
On the other side of the yard, there's Todd. He's been out of the news lately but he has been totally consumed the last couple of days by what's around the corner of our barn. A mouse maybe?
When he's not standing innocently in a corner he's been randomly digging holes. At least we think it's him. He's a terrier, so it has to be him, right? However that face really does speak innocence, doesn't it? Is that possible with a Scottie?
Not to be left out, our cat, the lovely Ms. Yellow knocked over a small container of dry food that was on the counter. I caught her batting it off the counter and onto the waiting dogs below. Maybe she thinks I bought the wrong brand of cat food. Or maybe she was simply feeding the masses.
But at least she didn't knock over this beautiful dessert a friend brought over for us.
And speaking of eating. It takes me to Rhett this morning. What have I been saying about his being a mischief maker? Rhett and Cissy are fed in the office. This morning I did as I always do, I set down Cissy's bowl, then Rhett's - Cissy for whatever reason followed me out of the office and somehow the door closed and when I went to open it, I realized it was locked, leaving Rhett alone...With two breakfasts.... By the time I got the door open, both bowls were (of course) empty. I can't say for sure, but I really thought I heard some chuckling coming from Rhett's side of the door. But Cissy of course got another full breakfast. In looking at it all, I'm pretty confident these were plots that were perfectly devised, planned and executed!
~Rhett~ |