Sunday, July 14, 2024

What I've Learned from Noodle

We are now 2 weeks and 3 days post surgery for Noodle. It's unfortunate that we cannot say his recovery has been uneventful, because it has not been. I'll be honest, it has been exhausting and stressful, at least for his caretakers. I've never cared for a dog that had an amputation, so I wasn't sure what to expect or exactly what to do. But I quickly learned and found out. 

Here's what I have learned.

       ⚫ That a lot of draining, even from a small area of a surgery site is a reason to take off work and be at the vet's office when they open. A culture was done, and Noodle was put on an antibiotic (Baytril) which knocked out the infection. The stitches were removed this past Tuesday, and everything has healed as it should. 

        ⚫ I've learned that keeping that IV pole from about 10 years ago was a good thing to do because we needed it for the bag of IV fluids we used to flush/clean the infected area of Noodle's surgery site. 

       ⚫ That having a lot of extra dog towels for a wound that's draining is a good thing, even if they take up a lot of room. 

       ⚫ I have been reminded during Noodle's initial recovery that a perk of working in a dental office is that you can order sleeves of gauze at a fraction the cost, and the doctor lets you just take a box of gloves to have at home. 

       ⚫ The value of taking a strength training class has paid off - Lifting Noodle to get him outside and inside has been made easier because of them - At least I think they have.  

         ⚫ The big new comfy bed that we just got has been perfect for Noodle to sleep and recover on, and is easy for him to get onto and off of - He loves it and Ree agrees!! (Thank you Jean!) 

        ⚫ I've learned that getting a prescription for codeine for a dog is practically impossible in my county in Virginia. Most pharmacies don't carry it. It cannot be called or faxed in, it has to be a handwritten prescription. And one pharmacist wouldn't even consider filling the prescription at all because the written prescription had no last name on it for Noodle -- Even though I pointed out Noodle is a dog. It was very frustrating! But I will add that Noodle did just fine without the codeine. We simply increased the amount of gabapentin he is given. 

        Through all of this, I've also learned what a sweet boy Noodle is. He has been so good during his recovery. He has never once objected when I was cleaning the infected area of his surgery site that I know was achy and tender. 

Finally, with the ups and downs, as worn out as I was, without a doubt, it has been totally worth it! Noodle is getting stronger every day. He has learned how to re-balance himself which makes him much steadier on his feet. I know Noodle is feeling better too. And now we wait for the final pathology report that should come in a few days, which will tell us what the next step in Noodle's journey will be. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

At the Top of Our June Pile

Here we are at the end of June. And, as always it has been quite a month that is now behind us. 

I don't think I even have to say that there is a lot going on behind the scenes. But for this post, I'll focus on what's at the top of our pile for the month of June, that at the moment is Noodle. 

He's had several vet appointment over the last few weeks. We've had x-rays and an ultrasound done to assess his leg to help decide a direction. 

The more detailed x-rays and an ultrasound did give us some good news, in that the cancer did not appear to have spread into his chest or other areas. 

That brought on the discussion of the benefits and risks of surgery to amputate Noodle's leg. I'll add that the vet did say that she didn't think euthanasia would be a bad consideration either. She added this because osteosarcoma or bone cancer with and even without amputation has a 4-5 month prognosis. Those that have the amputation surgery and get chemo afterwards have a little longer--maybe a year. The benefits for just doing the surgery would be that Noodle would ambulate better/more comfortably and hopefully be pain free. However, the expected recovery for him would be a little more difficult only in that he has lost muscle in his other leg. The downside of course was the cost and the question of could or should the Rescue's funds be put towards a dog with a better prognosis?  Those were all things that the Board of the rescue needed to discuss, consider and decide. Honestly, I didn't know what the best decision was, which is why I would of course support the Rescue's decision, whatever it would be. It was a tough decision. 

The Board of the rescue discussed and voted to go ahead with the surgery, without chemo, and give Noodle that chance to live pain-free for the time he has left. Noodle had surgery this past Thursday to amputate his leg. Of course everything is being biopsied and an oncologist has given us hope that maybe the cancer Noodle had was confined to the knee joint and was not osteosarcoma and would or could be curative. We'll find out this week when the test results are returned. 

All that aside, the surgery went as well as it could have given the condition of Noodle's leg, his atrophied muscles and his overall body condition -- it made cutting through the bone, nerves, etc., a bit of a challenge and so it meant the surgery took a little longer. Getting his body temp to regulate afterwards was also a little challenging because he has so little body fat. 

By about 5 o'clock, Noodle was awake and doing well and ready to be picked up. We'd been dealing with a power-outage from the night before, and thankfully the power came back on as I was leaving to pick Noodle up - YAY!! I was happy for us and so grateful that Noodle got to come home to a cool house. 

So far, Noodle has been a good post op patient. Even though he wasn't using his amputated leg to stand, he knew how to balance himself with it, and of course now, he is having to learn to rebalance himself without it. He needs a lot of help, but that's what we're here for -- And this morning it was good to see that he'd gotten up on his feet by himself. Progress!

So, today is day 3 of his recovery, and there is another level of healing that we've moved up to: The cone of shame because Noodle won't leave the surgery site alone - Something I was expecting and ready for. 

Noodle is such a sweet boy and this is all part of his healing journey and a story that I'm grateful gives him a chance at a good and pain free life for however long that may be. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Dreams that Cannot Be

Thank you all for cheering and welcoming "Noodle the 'doodle." 

I will start this post by saying that we've been fostering since about 1999 - And each new foster always brings on hopes and dreams for them. More times than I can count, those hopes and dreams for them have been exceeded. The latest of course being Iva who truly found the best family to call her very own. 

~Iva, sporting a short summer cut~

On the flip side of that is that sometimes, the reality is, there are dreams that cannot be. Unfortunately it appears to be the case with Noodle. A vet visit on Friday that included x-rays shows that his leg that we thought was re-injured and atrophied is unfortunately bone cancer. The cancer appears to be only in his leg and not spread into his chest, which is the good news.  

~At the Vet~

We're not sure what the options are - the vet is going to ask other colleagues their thoughts as we wait for the results of his bloodwork. We've started Noodle on pain management that will help him, no matter what treatment is decided for him. 

I do have to be honest, it's hard to be hopeful at this moment -- Because I'm feeling a whole range of emotions from sadness and heartbreak to a bit of anger at the previous owner and vets for not being more proactive about Noodle's condition. 

~On the way home~

But as I was reminded yesterday, that changed last week when Noodle found his way to the rescue, and to us too. We've cared for 4 dogs that I can recall that had bone cancer -- Cougar, Chip, Hannah, Shelby -- So we know the care that's needed. I'm guessing the cosmos knew that when it brought Noodle to us. 

~I do love Noodle's smile~

Friday, June 7, 2024

Noodle Arrives at Golden Pines

Thank you to those who have stopped by and checked on us. We are okay ... At least I am ... now. In the past month I've missed 2 weeks of work because of a virus that really knocked me off my feet. I'm feeling much better now, and am back to work. Thankfully. 

As we all know, even when your world is at a standstill, life does continue around you. Just as I was getting back on my feet and trying to get back to work, we were asked to take a new addition. The timing of being asked wasn't much of a surprise, at least not to me. Because I had that feeling that with Iva having been adopted in March another dog was soon going to come to us. 

And I was right. Last Thursday, we welcomed an 8 year old Goldendoodle named Noodle -- a 'doodle named Noodle, how cute is that?!?! -- One reason we were asked to take Noodle is because we have no inside steps, and he has physical and mobility issues that will need to be sorted out. Noodle once belonged to someone who passed away about 8 months ago. The daughter took Noodle. However she lives in a small home, and with 2 dogs of her own, and a few other reasons, she was unable to care for him. 

Noodle had knee surgery at one point in his life. Sadly he reinjured his knee and he was never taken back to the vet to try and fix it again. So, he now holds his leg up close to his body, and uses his front legs to balance himself. Unfortunately, this has caused his rear-end muscles to atrophy. Added to that is that Noodle is also really underweight. His hip bones are painfully visible. Noodle once weighed 80 pounds, and he now weighs about 40. Given that, and that he doesn't move around much, there's no doubt that he doesn't feel well. 

This afternoon we're off to the vet for an exam and all the tests that will hopefully give us an idea about his overall health, and give us a direction and a plan going forward. Right now, I'm not sure what that plan will be. But what I do know, is I'm grateful that we get to know this sweet boy, and be part of his story. But I'm especially grateful and thankful that Noodle now has a chance and a bright future because he's found his way to the Golden Retriever Rescue. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Onto May!

 April was a month of catching up. Four of the dogs were past due to go to the vet, and so I got their appointments made and updated their needed care. 

Ree had to go by herself simply because she's terrible in the car. She's a backseat driver, sitting behind me and barking at everything ...

~Back sear driver, Ree~

Even at the cat and dog on my vet's mobile van. 🤗 (I'll add we go to his office because it saves us the house-call-fee of $100). 

Jack also went by himself because he's just not good in small spaces with other dogs. 

~Jack going solo to the vet~

The easiest vet appointments belonged to Daisy and Max. Of course. 

~Max, always good no matter what~

For all of the dogs, aside from arthritis that both Max and Jack have, all four got good reports from the vet. We do have one more coming up in a week or so, that may not bring the best of news. More about that in another post. 

But getting caught up on grooming was also on the agenda. We're lucky enough to have 'Cindy' who comes to our house to trim nails and feet. It's a good side business for her. She's fast, and good, and best of all, our dogs like her because she brings lots of treats for them. 

~Marley, cool and calm during his pedicure~

On a sunny and warm day in late April, Cindy also came and bathed Daisy. She really needed a bath and a good brush-out. And I know I could have taken Daisy to a professional groomer for all of that -- But before we adopted her, Daisy hadn't had the best experiences when taken to one, so I opted to have it done at home. 

~Daisy not happy with her bath~

Of course Daisy wasn't really happy during the whole experience. But all was forgiven and it was smiles all around when it was all over. Cindy did a great job!  

~A very clean Daisy!~

When Daisy came to us nearly 2 years ago, I'd never gotten her a new collar. I thought this was a good reason to get her one that's perfect.  

~A daisy collar for our Daisy!~

And because what girl doesn't like something new to wear? 

Have a good week! I'm back to work after being off last week - something else I'll tell you about in my next post. 
~Milo saying how we both feel about my going back to work!~

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Eyes Have It!

Awhile back, I read a study that said that our most clever pups use their eyes to communicate with their owners, particularly when it's regarding food or attention. I will say I thought that already -- And there was no doubt about what Jack's eyes were saying when it was past dinnertime and I was sitting and doing nothing to change that. 

Doesn't Jack look like he's glaring at me with a raised eyebrow? 

As opposed to this look from Daisy? 

Eyes really are a window to a dog's soul. And ours too. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Before April Ends!

Before April ends, I have to post about yet ANOTHER April birthday at our house. This time, it was for Todd who is now 13 years old. Thirteen years old ... can you believe it? 

Each year I have tried to take this same photo of Todd, sitting at the same place at the table, wearing the same birthday hat with a big cookie. At some point, I'll make a collage of them all.

Looking back on those photos, I've not seen the changes in Todd that you'd see in a Lab or Golden. However this year, I am seeing one. But maybe it's just his 'really bad haircut.' (grrrrrr!) Or on the flip side, maybe it's knowing that this past year wasn't his best as we dealt with his allergies and injury in January. 

Whatever it is, through it all, there remains a quiet dignity about Todd. And he is still one of the most loyal dogs we've ever owned. He's also just as spirited, feisty, independent, and stubborn as he's always been -- I will add that Todd will do what we ask of him, especially if there’s a treat involved. 

But there are times when asking Todd to do something is met with a lot of backtalk (barking) as he does what he really doesn't want to. He does tolerate what and sometimes who he doesn’t like –  But he is more open to my affection than he has been in previous years, and loves a good massaging backrub -- But who doesn't love that? 

At 13 years old, Todd is still as utterly fearless as he has always been -- That said, he's not so quick to judge newcomers as he once was. He still enjoys spending time outside on the porch napping and watching the world go by as he protects his turf from the marauding herd of deer -- that by the way has grown to about 12 in the last year. 

I think that sometimes it’s not easy being Todd. But aside from a few things, as a Scottish Terrier, I don't think he'd have it any other way. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

It's All About Monty and Max

Just as we were getting to know Monty, a new foster home for him was found. I've said it over and over again how much we loved having him as part of our household because he was or is such a nice dog!! But Monty's "enthusiasm" for fun and life was too much for two resident grouches, who see life as serious and no nonsense. --can you guess who the two were?  But I'm grateful we got to be a small part of Monty's story. And, I'm grateful for the rescue for being there when he needed 'rescuing.'  It has given Monty a bright future.

~Monty at the vet~

Speaking of fun, April 4th was a day that I was humbled and grateful for  .... Our boy Max, Maxie... Maxine, our fun resident canine clown that always makes me laugh, turned **14 years old**

It is a true milestone for any dog, which is why I am thankful we were able to celebrate him. 

I've had a hard time thinking of Max as a senior boy. Of course I've noticed that he doesn't see or hear as well as he once did, and some days his appetite is off, and of course he doesn't jump on the bed like he once did. And after his recent yearly vet appointment and being groomed, I know that I need to be more mindful of his age. Especially since he was really worn out and tired from those two full days, that made him a bit grouchy. 

It's all totally understandable, and totally okay for him to be however he wants to be  -- at 14 years old he deserves to be.

~Max pre-grooming~

Friday, March 29, 2024

Monty Arrives at Golden Pines

Another busy couple of weeks, made a bit busier this past Friday, when we had an unexpected and unplanned arrival of a new boy at our house. 

Meet 10 year old Monty.

~Meeting Monty - His new chapter begins~

He comes to us after his owner went into hospice care and Monty was left in the home with no one to care for him, or his feline companion. 

And so, after a few twists and turns, Monty was turned over to the rescue to begin a new life -- As was the cat he lived with. 

We knew absolutely nothing about Monty, barely even his name or age. But, despite all of that we of course agreed to take him to keep him safe, and give him a place to call home. 

First intros didn't go all that well, but that was totally my fault. Monty's life had been totally turned upside down, and he just didn't understand what had happened to him and so he was really nervous and so unsure. 

But after a week, he's settled in, and second intros have gone well. He's an active, bouncy and engaging boy that I'll confess may be too much for our household, so I've asked that another foster home be found for him. I think it's for the best. 

However, now that we know that Monty gets along with other dogs and cats, that he listens really well, that he knows all the basics, has good house manners and that he loves to play ball, is a good start. And with the rescue totally committed to him and his care, it gives Monty a bright future. ❤

***I have to add that this is also a reminder for all of us to have a plan for our 

dogs and cats in case we're unable to care for them.***

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Letting Go of Iva

Thank you all for the good vibes that you sent for Iva as we traveled last weekend to meet "R&R," near Lynchburg Virginia. The 4+ hour drive was a bit dicey because it was raining the entire way. 

But R&R and their son, daughter in law and granddaughter were all there when we arrived, and they could not have been more welcoming-- Even having lunch prepared and waiting for us. I felt like I was sitting with friends as we ate lunch and talked about Iva and any other topic that came up. They are the real deal; a kind, caring and a perfect family for Iva. They loved her right away, and Iva responded so well to them, and was relaxed and comfortable in their home. 

~Last time at the vet with Iva~

She was also a good match for their girl Lady, who had been missing having a canine friend. So, we signed her adoption contract. 

~Post adoption photo of Iva and Lady~

It was of course a bittersweet moment to let Iva go. I love this big girl with her big personality. We'd had quite a journey together, helping her to regain her health and lose over 30 pounds. And, despite some of the lows, and the hard times, there were many more good moments with this fun girl, and I would do (most of) them all over again. ❤️

Afterwards I drove to the home of friends for dinner and to spend the night. It was a really good visit, and a nice and a recharging ending to a trip filled with a lot of emotion. 

~The view my friends enjoy every day!~

The two post adoption texting reports have all been good and positive. I had to grin at the first photo that was sent of Iva on a sofa - I'd told them Iva never ever got onto our furniture ... and there she was ... never-evering, like she'd never, ever had before. Ya just gotta smile at that! 🙂

I miss her.