Sunday, April 16, 2023

Todd - The Birthday Boy

We had what I consider a milestone birthday this past week. Todd turned 12 years old. Twelve. I can't believe it. How can my puppy be 12 years old? 

At 12 years old, Todd still takes life seriously. Age hasn't changed him too much, he's just as proud, brave, independent and opinionated as he's always been. He is after all, a Scottish Terrier. 

However, being a Scottie, Todd is by nature, reserved, and a bit aloof towards strangers. But he has gotten better over the last few years - The last month he's mostly accepted the new dog walker who has followed the advice to win him over with lots of treats. 

~Notes left by our dogwalker~

But that aside, Todd is still active and playful and loves a fun game of ball. And I have to think he'd not approve of my telling you that in our one on one moments, he is gentle and affectionate, and he really loves a good massage. He will (sometimes) tolerate my affection, of 'allowing' a kiss on his head - He clearly objected to that even 2 years ago. 

Something so 'un-Scottie' Todd also wouldn't want told is that the age of 12 has mellowed him a tiny bit. For example in the mornings he's not always in a rush to jump off the bed and get the day started. He's sleeping more when outside in his favorite spot, but still enjoys sitting and watching the world go by.

It's thought by some that 12 years old for a Golden Retriever is a milestone birthday. By their reaching that age, it's an indication that there is a likelihood that they'll live to be 14. For Scotties, it's said to be the same thing. But I'm trying not think about me and Todd having more days behind us than in front. 

However, I am worried and concerned about the continuing issue we're having with his clogged sinuses. We've invested in air-purifiers for our house, and we have an appointment with an allergist at the end of May - their soonest appointment. So, we'll just take each day as it comes, and hope we'll be able to figure it all out so there are plenty to enjoy with Todd, our most unique and high spirited character at Golden Pines. 

Happy 12th Birthday Todd!

**This is where I add that I take the same photo of Todd every year - With the same hat, a cookie, in a chair at the table. At some point, I'll make a collage of all of them. ❤

Sunday, April 9, 2023

An Easter Lily Update

Easter Sunday. We are cruising right through April and spring and hoping that the weather will finally stay warm. Spring is showing up more and more every day. This twinleaf flower (below) opened for the first time a few days ago, and already a little pollinator found it!

Aside from the cold temps that won't go away, power outages and wind, we're doing pretty well. 

Our newest arrival, Lily has settled in with our crew.
~Ree on the left, Lily middle, Milo on the right~

Our biggest concern has been Lily crying when she's not with us. A video of that is below - Lily is in the other room, and that's Daisy in the video. We're not sure why she's crying, when she must know that we're nearby, and she's free to come and be with us. It happens at random times during the night or day, and we're not sure what the trigger may be. Any thoughts?
However, the good news is, is that the more time that has passed, Lily is not crying as much as she was at first. But she has days when she does cry, and all we can do is call or go to her and reassure her, which seems to help. Lily is a really sweet girl, she is always eager for and loves attention, and she's right up front for treats and her meal too, and of course she'll do what we ask her to do. 

Lily really loves joining the crew outside for the daily game of ball  -- That's her on the right. 

and then she enjoys relaxing in the cool grass afterwards. Lily seems happy. 
~Iva left, and Lily on the right~

And we're happy that this sweet girl is part of our household. ❤