Sunday, June 9, 2024

Dreams that Cannot Be

Thank you all for cheering and welcoming "Noodle the 'doodle." 

I will start this post by saying that we've been fostering since about 1999 - And each new foster always brings on hopes and dreams for them. More times than I can count, those hopes and dreams for them have been exceeded. The latest of course being Iva who truly found the best family to call her very own. 

~Iva, sporting a short summer cut~

On the flip side of that is that sometimes, the reality is, there are dreams that cannot be. Unfortunately it appears to be the case with Noodle. A vet visit on Friday that included x-rays shows that his leg that we thought was re-injured and atrophied is unfortunately bone cancer. The cancer appears to be only in his leg and not spread into his chest, which is the good news.  

~At the Vet~

We're not sure what the options are - the vet is going to ask other colleagues their thoughts as we wait for the results of his bloodwork. We've started Noodle on pain management that will help him, no matter what treatment is decided for him. 

I do have to be honest, it's hard to be hopeful at this moment -- Because I'm feeling a whole range of emotions from sadness and heartbreak to a bit of anger at the previous owner and vets for not being more proactive about Noodle's condition. 

~On the way home~

But as I was reminded yesterday, that changed last week when Noodle found his way to the rescue, and to us too. We've cared for 4 dogs that I can recall that had bone cancer -- Cougar, Chip, Hannah, Shelby -- So we know the care that's needed. I'm guessing the cosmos knew that when it brought Noodle to us. 

~I do love Noodle's smile~


  1. Noodle, you will get love, care and so much more right now, and be assured that so many of us will have you in thoughts and our hearts as you journey through this. Kim, your heart will be full, but I know you will give Noodle the best love and care in his life.

  2. A wonderful smile. Hugs. Be safe and God bless.

  3. As sad and worrisome as Noodle's diagnosis is, he couldn't be in any better place to be loved and properly cared for than with you and the bunch there. He's with his pack, safe forever.


  4. As usual, bless you for doing this. It's hard on you, but Noodle is so lucky to have found you.
    ---Cheerful Monk

  5. Oh, poor Noodle - but he has the chance for love and wonderful care for his future, however long that might be. Thinking of (or getting stewed up about) what might have been, with different/better care, isn't helpful, so we send you hugs and consolation wishes.

  6. How smart Iva looks with her summer haircut.
    What sad news about Noodle, hopefully something can be done for him - we know you'll do your very best..
    I experienced a similar situation when I took on Indy, a Golden Retriever, after her owner died. She had a nasty swelling on one leg which I was assured was arthritis. A speedy visit to my vet quickly confirmed that it was cancer, which had spread to her chest. She was riddled with lumps hidden under her neglected fur - her owner no longer bothering with even essential care for the poor girl.

  7. I am so sad to hear this news and also glad Noodle has found the right humans to take care of his pain. this just breaks my heart thinking of the suffering Noodle went through. hugs to all of you and prayers for no pain for noodle

  8. Terrible news to hear about Noodle but as I thought this is the best place for him because I knew you would help him. Sending good thoughts to Noodle (and you too of course).

  9. We're so sorry to hear about Noodles. Our paws are crossed that you can find the best path forward for him.

  10. That is so sad. However, Noodle has really lucked out being with you, and we know you will give him the best of care and the greatest love.

  11. This is very sad news. I know we have all had such high hopes for Noodle. But he is just where he needs to be right now. Every day of love and kindness and care mean everything. God bless you all.

  12. A small story to share. Several months ago a stray cat appeared in our rural neighborhood. Our neighbor saw it many times but didn't want to give it food although the cat was plainly looking for help and friendship. I have prayed every day that we might be able to help. Two days ago we saw the cat for the first time in our yard. I was miraculously able to crate him and bring him in the house. "Tibby" is a beautiful calm brown tabby who is now adjusting well and getting along fine with our cat Cricket. We're so thankful.

  13. He is in the best place possible to get the care he needs. That is a blessing for you and Noodle. ♥

  14. Noodle the Doodle looks so sweet. I also had a dog with bone cancer but she also had severe heart problems so surgery wasn't an option for her. She still fought through the bone cancer, heart problems, blindness and a new developing cancer in her lungs and still lived to the age of 16. So there is always hope. Sending prayers and POTP to Noodle and big hugs for you for everything that you do.

  15. So sorry to hear the news on Noodle. He looks quite happy in his photos. We have no doubt that you will do what is best for him so he is content and loved.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. Aww poor Noodle, I am so glad he is with you...I know you will do what is best.

  17. Just sending love to you and Noodle.

  18. What a shock. Noodle is in the right place for the next stage of his journey. Stay strong.


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