It has been over a month since I last posted. August was so many things on so many levels of busy to relaxing and recharging. So, of course there is a lot of news that I want to tell you about. But first I want to tell you the sad and heartbreaking news that we lost Todd on Friday. I am devastated and so many other things.
Todd's loss came totally unexpected, and has been consuming and overwhelming for me. Carl is out of town, so it has also been a lonely and sad time. I will tell you more about what happened in another post, but for now I'll tell you that it began with an infected lump, that quickly turned into sepsis - Something I had no idea could occur in as short as 6 hours.
With time by myself, I can't help but reflect on our 13 years together, and looking at so many of Todd's photos and "remembering when...." We had fun together. We had so many more good days than not so good ones. Todd's big personality and fun spirit filled every corner of our home with smiles, joy, laughter, eye rolls and headshaking too -- Yes, of course there was a bit of frustration at times when his feistiness and that terrier independence and stubbornness would prevail over what I'd asked of him. But it was who he was, and he was truly the star of our household. I'm already missing all his Scottie antics and so much more ... Like the sound of him running through the house, the barking (and barking) at everything that he felt was important enough to warrant his attention. I'm going to miss the noises he'd make when I'd give him a massage, his sleeping next to me, being under my feet at the computer, the look in his eyes that truly was a window to his strong heart and soul ... seeing and watching his unbridled enthusiasm and joy and his smile ... so many things that I cannot possibly list .... So many moments that are now memories and are a part of me, and Todd too. 💔
Again, so sorry for the loss of Todd. What a special dog he was for a special person. Always in our prayers. ♥
ReplyDeleteSepsis can creep in so quickly, and is invisible.Todd, you were a true and so much loved darling for Kim and Carl, and so many of us out here too. A huge loss, Kim, let our love bolster you up right now, and memories fill your heart.
ReplyDeleteKim, I am so very sorry to hear the sad news about Todd. My sympathies, I know how very special he was to you and hope you find comfort in the very many happy memories you shared. The other dogs will miss him too.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I can feel your loss and pain. Todd is so adorable even though I never met him. he makes me smile just looking at his photo. I lost my best friend since Jr high to sepsis last year, I am familiar with the disease. this is a shock to me and I can't imagine how much it hurts to not have him under the desk. hugs and love and prayers to you and your hubby and the rest of your pack
ReplyDeleteOh my, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Todd! Sending hugs and prayers!
ReplyDeleteOh, Kim, I am so very sorry. Having lost beloved pets also, I can understand your heartbreak. Thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteOh, Kim, I am so sorry for Todd's sudden death, especially when you're home alone except for the sweet pack. His was such a big personality for his small size and he took his perceived responsibilities to the family so seriously. I loved that one ear up and the other ear down! Todd will be remembered with smiles by people around the world.
We're so sorry to hear that Todd made his journey to the Bridge. Our paws are crossed for you and we send warm hugs too. We will miss hearing about Todd and all he got up to.
ReplyDeleteOh Kim, this is a day I have dreaded. Todd has indeed been the shining star of Golden Pines with his handsome face and huge personality. My heart breaks for you. I'll miss seeing his dear face and laughing at all his antics. I will keep Todd, you and Carl, and all the sweet gang in my heart.
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for you . Hugs.
ReplyDeleteOh no!!!! Kim, we are so very sorry to hear of your devastating loss. And so sudden too. Sepsis is nasty. Todd was such an integral part of life at Golden Pines. We hope the many good memories will help to heal your heart in time. <<<<<<>>>>>>
ReplyDeleteThis is a good reminder to Mom to keep an eye on Misty's numerous sebaceous cysts. The vet has told her that they can burst inwardly and cause major issues.
Hugs and Woos - Kathie, Misty and Timber
Todd! I know there are no words. ((Kim))
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry about the loss of Todd. Sending hugs.
ReplyDeleteKim, I'm so sorry. I know how much Todd meant to you. I always loved hearing the stories of all the rescue dogs but Todd was the special one. He will be missed and remembered by all who knew and loved him in Blogville. I will add Todd to the "Our Rainbow Friends" site but since August is ready for publication, he will be in the September issue that will publish in October. Again, my deepest sympathy to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteSuch a spirited little guy, we mourn your loss alongside you. Time together passes all too quickly, and is far too brief ~ may memories help heal your heart and fill it with joy and may Todd feel his own joy as he runs free beyond the rainbow.
ReplyDeleteKim I am so very sorry...and send you lots of heart healing Hugs
ReplyDeleteThe handsome permanent resident at Life at Golden Pines
Oh so loved by his devoted Mom
Determined to make sure all the rescues at his home felt loved
Dear one you will be missed.
Dear Kim,
ReplyDeleteI am amazed at your capacity to take on the care of animals that are so in need and that very few of us would be willing to shoulder. Thank you for your generosity and goodness.
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved Todd. I know it causes a physical and mental anguish that all pet owners are familiar with. I am thinking of you and hope that you will feel comfort and peace.
I am so very sorry. I know how special he was. Gentle hugs. Susan in NC
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry for the loss of your handsome Todd. Huge hugs to you♥
ReplyDeleteI’m so sorry, words are never enough, but I’m sharing in your sadness over little Todd.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for the loss of your handsome boy. XO
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for the loss of your beloved friend.
ReplyDeleteOh Kim! We send you headbonks and gentle hugs. Our pets never really leave us, they live on in our memories of their Love and devotion that they gave us. Todd was special. Keep being awesome. Marvelous Marv and Mom
ReplyDeleteSo very sorry for the loss of your sweet boy, he was a true gentleman ! Thank you for sharing him with us all. Godspeed beautiful Todd. you were so loved.
ReplyDeleteHugs {{ Kim }}
Dearest Kim,
ReplyDeleteIt is one of the hardest things to live through when one of our loyal fur babies passes away... It is hard!
But the only solace is that Todd knew true human love and that he lived a happy life.
Mariette + Kitties
Oh my I am so sorry, run free sweet Todd. He will be waiting for you someday at the Bridge. We love our dogs like no other creatures...the heartbreak is so awful...know that others know exactly how you are feeling in your grief. He had such good times with you...concentrate on that!!
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry to hear about your precious Todd. It's so sad and never, ever easy to say goodbye. Love and hugs from all of us.
ReplyDeleteI'm so, so sorry :(
ReplyDeleteYou are undertaking the long journey through grief. While others may share that grief we all walk it alone. There are no right or wrong paths, no proper way to carry oneself, no set amount of time to complete it. Some steps will come easier than others. There will be rogue waves of grief that you won’t see coming, and knock you back days. But you will come through it. If you get lost let us know. We have been through it before and we might be able to help you find the way out.
A terrible and shocking loss. SO sorry for your troubles and what a darling was Todd.
ReplyDeleteJust coming back to say how much I've been thinking about Todd. He was pure gold. ❤️
ReplyDeleteWhat a sad and shocking thing. Hugs to you This character will be missed by your readers as well bc we enjoyed reading about his antics
ReplyDeleteA handsome boy, and a beloved family member. There is no mitigating such a loss, and I am sorry for it. Godspeed, Todd.
ReplyDeleteOh No!! That is so unexpected, and such a shock. You have given so much love to so many dogs, but Todd was truly your Special One. And for it to happen when Carl was away must have made it so much harder for you. And Carl will be sad to be away when you need him. Much love to you.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for the loss of your purrecious boy. Fly free beautiful Soul✨
ReplyDeleteSoft Pawkisses to comfort you🐾😽💞
I am so sorry. I loved Todd from afar.
ReplyDeleteSuch sad news about a much loved little dog. I can understand a lot about how the unexpectedness was difficult for you because the same thing happened with my little dog two years ago. One moment he was running round my daughter's house looking for her dog's toys and the next he collapsed on the floor. We rushed him to the vet who said it was an internal injury of some kind and she could do nothing. So we left home in the morning with a lovely little dog and came home with none. It made it worse that my son has saved a part of his hamburger as a treat for him.
ReplyDeleteI am saying all this because I have been surprised at he time it took to come to terms with it and I expect you may have longer to wait before the pain gets much better although it never actually goes away. I so admire you for all the work you do for the dogs in your care and hope that this will help you in your sorrow. Prayers are being said over here in Wales.
So very sorry for the loss of your handsome boy. We're sending gentle thoughts of comfort.
ReplyDeleteYour fur-iends,
Elsa, Wilson the House Pony and their Mum
I’m so sorry.