You all are the best! Thank you to those who stopped by to check on us, and see how we were/are doing. Honestly, I think about blogging every day. And your checking on us gave me the needed nudge to get a post that I've been thinking about, written and posted.
I will start by saying that I feel very lucky, and blessed. I'm grateful for my blogging friendships, and for my friendships that I have in my life. I'm also grateful for my family, in particular, my brothers. I was reminded of that when my oldest brother Steve passed away a few weeks ago. I do not have a sister, only brothers - Two of which have now passed away. With each of my brothers, throughout my adult life, I have been lucky to have different, but good, continued relationships with each of them. But of my 4 brothers, my oldest brother Steve was the one I was the closest to for years. I think it was because we were very much alike - It even became a family joke that it was because we both had brown eyes like our dad, while my other brothers had blue eyes like our Mom.
Because Steve and I liked and disliked many of the same things, we always had great fun when we got together. He worked hard at his job with a commercial printing company, working 3rd shift which lent itself to our talking on the phone multiple times during the week while he was going home in the mornings, and I was on my way to work. Unfortunately that changed when his health started to decline during the holidays. It became very difficult for him in a lot of different ways. But I did my best to stay in touch and be a cheerleader for him. Some days I felt like I succeeded, other days, I know I didn't.
I'd hoped to go to Florida to visit my brother to try and lift his spirits. A friend who travels to Orlando regularly told me how it could be done in a day, for less than $200. She knew it all, right down to where to park at "Dulles International Airport." The plan was to leave early morning, fly nonstop, arrive by lunch time, spend the afternoon with my brother (and catch up with my sister in law) in the hospital, and take the last flight home in the evening and be home by 11 o'clock. I was all in and bought my ticket. Sadly my brother passed away the day before I could put that plan into motion.
I am of course heartbroken at what is a sad loss for our family. But within my grief is my gratitude and thanks for having four good, kind, caring men to call my brothers. I love being their sister. And I'm grateful for my two younger 'blue-eyed brothers' that cheer me on when I'm feeling down, up or anyway in between - Just as I try to do for them when they need it. Together we have shared the loss of our oldest brother. I know this grief and the ache of this loss will ease for the 3 of us as life goes on without Steve as part of it. But we will always miss him because he was our brother.
Thank you again friends for thinking of us! Your checking in gave me the needed nudge I really needed to get this post written. It wasn't easy because I just wasn't ready to share another loss that is felt deeply and personally. But I feel better having shared this with you, and I am looking forward to telling you our new-news. Stay tuned!