We who choose to surround ourselves with lives
more temporary than our own
live within a fragile circle,
easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps,
we still would live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only certain immortality,
never fully understanding the necessary plan."
~Irving Townsend~
This quote tumbled around in my mind several times yesterday as Bubba quietly left this life for the next. We are thankful for the 18 months that he spent with us. They were not always easy ones because of his health and limitations. But knowing that Bubba is free from all those things brings peace. His kind, quiet, gentle nature, licks on the hand, and high pitched 'woo-woo-wooo's' when he was happy will be missed. His lifetime companion, Toby, like us, is missing him already. I wish I could explain it all to him, but as I mentioned yesterday, I think he already knows.
The day was a very difficult one. Those of you who are 'Facebook friends' may have seen my update saying that it 'was the worst day I'd ever had as a dog owner.' It truly was. With those events and the loss of Bubba and the six others this year, my spirit and the 'fragile circle' that I live in truly feels breached and broken. I cannot remember ever being at a lower point. This circle that Carl and I have chosen to live in, and my broken heart will hopefully be made whole by your friendship, family, and the good memories and times of the past year. At least as the last day of 2011 dawns, and a new year is on the horizon, that's my hope.