Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Marley - Part of the Pack

It has been a bit of a whirlwind since Marley arrived at Golden Pines. 

Since Marley had not seen a vet in at least 5 years, our time with him began with a needed vet appointment that included updating his vaccines, all senior bloodwork, aspirates from several large lumps, and a few other tests in between. 

The results were a bit of a mixed bag. The good news, was that Marley was negative for heartworm and other tests had pretty good results too. Unfortunately he did test positive for lyme disease and anaplasmosis -- Both are tick borne illnesses. Marley is now on an antibiotic for a month. 

Another concern I had from the very start were Marley's eyes that were really goopy and very red. The vet records that came with Marley mentioned this as a chronic issue that was never treated. A test showed that he's not producing any tears, meaning his eyes are very dry. The vet gave me a lubricant for them, but unfortunately it didn't really help. I was also pretty sure in watching Marley that couldn't see that well. 

So, on Monday we were off to the ophthalmologist. Marley's chronic dry eyes has caused a lot of scar tissue that has damaged his eyes, and unfortunately it limits his eyesight. So, we've started a prescription eye medication that he will have to be on for the rest of his life. The good news is that it will help his eyes to feel better, and may in time, restore some of his lost vision. 

~A tired Marley on the way home from the Ophthalmologist~

Despite that Marley probably doesn't feel all that well, he is the quintessential Golden Retriever! He is easy going, and has let us know that he thinks that treats and mealtime are the best part of the day -- And I think best of all is that he gets along really well with his new packmates.  Always a relief!  

~On the front porch~

We're grateful that Marley found his way to the rescue and onto us. He quickly found a place in our hearts and we love having him as part of our life! 

~Milo and Marley~

And I'm also grateful that he's getting the medical care that he needs because I know it will make a difference for him. 


  1. What a sweet pup! Bless you for getting him the help he needs. ❤️

  2. I'm so glad that sweet Marley has found his way to your good care and the doctors your pack member see as needed. Hope the new eye meds help Marley's eyes feel lots better every day and that his vision will be restored,


  3. Noah had dry eye for many years and we put Restasis (sp) in them twice a day. It made him feel much better. Tell Marley that I totally understand how tick borne diseases can knock a guy down . I made it and so can he.
    Sue and the non-Portie pups

  4. What a sweet boy Marley is. We hope the meds help him feel better soon.

  5. Welcome Mr. Marley! So glad he is fitting in with everyone and feeling right at home. Thank goodness for the much needed vet visit! We will be praying Marley is on the mend soon. ♥

  6. What better place could Marley be than on the front porch with all his best pals! I'm sure he appreciates all you've done for him Kim - I know we do.

  7. I thank the Lord Marley found you and your pack and is fitting in so well. Thank you for taking him to the vets and for the drops for his eyes. I know Marley is very thankful...hugs and welcome to your forever pack Marley

  8. Oh Kim, how wonderful that Marley is receiving the medical help that he needs. While things can't be as perfect as we wish, he is loved and fitting into Golden Pines beautifully. Hurray for this dear boy and you, too!

  9. Bless you again for taking such good care of a rescue. So we are going to guess that Marley is a permanent part of the Pack:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. He is so beautiful!

  11. Hello,
    Marley is so cute, I am glad he is finally getting the medical attention he needed, I hope he is feeling better. Cute photos.
    Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  12. So sad that such a simple thing like eye ointment to keep him comfortable was neglected. Honestly, how can anyone neglect that sweet soul?

  13. Marley knows he has landed in heaven....don't tell him otherwise. He looks one happy camper.

  14. Marley we humans need to walk in the paws of beautiful pups like you and your house mates. All of life's lessons could be learned. Most of all live in the moment, be thankful and BE KIND TO ALL AROUND YOU

  15. Marley looks like such a sweet dog. I remember once taking Samson to the eye doctor and it was exhausting for both him and me. I'm glad Marley is fitting in well with the rest of the dogs.

  16. We're sending big hugs to your beautiful senior puppies. xo


  17. Poor Marley. It is sad to me that maybe if he had the drops earlier, it would have protected his vision. However, we can't go back. We can only be in the now and looking forward and we are sending POTP that his eyes heal and feel so happy he found you! Lee and Phod and Lady


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