Sunday, August 20, 2023

Outside and Inside

Every day when Carl gets home from work, he lets the dogs out and Jack always sits and waits at the bottom of the steps for him to come out and throw a ball for him. He never moves from that spot, and that hopeful look of anticipation on his face never changes. He's now about 14 years old, and arthritis has really slowed him down. Except when it comes to games of ball, Jack still wants to play like he's a puppy again. Of course we don't let him play like one, but he doesn't care, he just loves the game, however long it lasts. That's what it's all about.  How I love that Lab heart and spirit!! 

That's what's happening on the outside. Inside, on the other side of the door, there's something else going on. It's Todd, waiting by the door for his turn to be let outside to play ball too. Who knew that a Scottish Terrier could be so patient? I think it's about the only time he is. 


  1. 😊❤️

  2. Jack is such a patient, handsome boy and he does look very hopeful. Todd knows it will soon be his turn too - dogs thrive on a routine.

  3. Jack and Todd, they are both cuties and so patient. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  4. What a couple of sweet pups waiting for their turns to play ball.

  5. they are both so sweet waiting for their dad to play... Jack melts my heart every time I see him. I love black dogs, and he reminds me of Big boy and also his personality is like Beau. hugs to all your sweet pups who have ended up in pup heaven

  6. Ah so sweet waiting to play ball, the asking is important as there will be days they will not ask and you will miss that:)

  7. Jack may be older, but the look of intensity in those eyes makes every chase of the ball worth it. We know that Todd got his turn too:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Love them both! What ball-loving sweethearts! My Addi is the only collie who loves to play fetch with the ball. So all the tennis balls are hers by default!

  9. They are both so dear and such handsome fellows. There is nothing like the joy of a happy dog while playing with a friend.

  10. Our gorgeous Goldie (sadly missed) enjoyed the chasing, but had absolutely no idea about the 'fetch' part! She was the sweetest, most loving, and stupidest dog I've even met, but we loved her and a year after her death it still hurts.

  11. My Faith is the same way, there's nothing better than chasing that ball. Jack has a lovely face.


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