I had so many things planned for the five days that I've had off of work...So many things.
For starters, there was a much-anticipated Saturday lunch date with a very good friend. Not to mention errands to run, a few things to organize and put away along with some cleaning to do and a lesson to prepare for church. Even with Thanksgiving, it was going to be such a productive weekend.
I did none of the above. Instead, I took Annie and Wendy to the vet early Saturday morning, rescheduled my lunch date with my friend, and spent almost every minute at home. I just really thought it was what I should do. And so I did.
~On the road with Wendy & Annie (background)~ |
We took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather and let all the dog's unleash their energy with long, leisurely, walks. We explored around the pond on the property adjacent to us, and played ball.
~Sheba and Joshua~ |
Yes, aside from the Thanksgiving Day drama with Humble, it was a perfect five days, even if I did feel a bit guilty for letting a few things slide. That is, until my friend Diane helped put things in perspective.
"Who says long weekends have to be productive?" she said in her e-mail. "Instead, have a memorable weekend like the one you're having. You won't remember the weekends where you run errands and clean, but you will remember one where you devoted time to those precious to you."
And she's right. So what if the closets didn't get cleaned and my desk didn't get organized? Instead, I enjoyed catching up with all my siblings, I got to know 'Humble' just a little bit better and spent time outdoors with the dogs. It was, indeed, a really nice five days.
Productive? Okay, maybe it wasn't. But priceless? Absolutely.
~Lucas~ |